What would you say...

"Cactus #1176 maintain visual seperation runway 07R clear for takeoff,contact departure control 125.08."

Well I thought that was weird to be told to contact departure when you're sitting on the numbers in preparation for takeoff. So I guess my question is what would be the read back concerning altitude.

I'm not sure they're telling you to contact departure right away. In Miami they used to say something like "fly runway heading, departure on 125.5, cleared for takeoff 8R"...but it didn't mean switch to departure right away, it was just a clarification as to which departure frequency they wanted you on.
Every takeoff I have done from a Canadian airport in my career so far has included the departure frequency change instructions in the takeoff clearance.


Then there is the famous "line up and wait" instruction for "position and hold."

Isn't it funny how not every other country in the whole wide world has the exact same rules as us?!?


They probably already have that frequency in so they won't have to "dial it". Thats what F/Os are for.
Lol and there is never a excuse/reason to use with you. You would definetly have some altitude prior to calling them. Something like "Air shuttle 1111 climbing 1,100 for 8,000." This also serves as an altitude check on you xpdr for ATC.
:yeahthat: Yep- finish the safety-of-flight items first.
Chicaga, you could always tell them: "I'm sorry sir, I don't speak Canadian!"

Ya' know Doug - I've actually used that line before and believe or not it wasn't that well received!!! And the tower controlled must have passed it on - I had 250 knots "for spacing" until I talked to an American controller. Spacing my ass.

Chicaga, you could always tell them: "I'm sorry sir, I don't speak Canadian!"


Normally I have no trouble at all. Even in Mexico I can normally understand what the controllers instructions are. Often we'd get a radio call in either country, and the CA would look at me like :confused: and I'd respond to the clearance. I can't explain why.

TonyC said:
Isn't it funny how not every other country in the whole wide world has the exact same rules as us?!?

I like it! Keeps you on your toes. After reading the posts about HF radio over India, I think I'd like to have that experience someday. :D

Normally I have no trouble at all. Even in Mexico I can normally understand what the controllers instructions are. Often we'd get a radio call in either country, and the CA would look at me like :confused: and I'd respond to the clearance. I can't explain why.

Universal translator!

Normally I have no trouble at all. Even in Mexico I can normally understand what the controllers instructions are. Often we'd get a radio call in either country, and the CA would look at me like :confused: and I'd respond to the clearance. I can't explain why.

I've flown all over North/South America, the Caribbean, and most of Europe and oddly enough the only real problem I had was understanding the controllers around the London area....something about how the accent sounded over the radio maybe? Weird huh?!


PS - HF radio bites, regardless of which country you're in.
Do airline pilots in US get special training on radio terms before they go fliying international?
I have to say that i was pretty darned impressed with the LAS ATC tour... I learned a heck of a lot about airspace, waypoints, taxi control and so forth (even what NOT to ask! haha)...

It was definately worth it and altho we couldn't get into TRACON, it was interesting to see how Tower works....I totally appreciate what the ATC guys are dealt with on a daily basis now.

I'm curious ... why couldn't you tour the tracon ? Wasn't approved ???