What do you make as a 121 pilot

How much income per year do you make as a pilot? Only pilot income (not investments or other)

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Every time these vehicle debates come up I say to myself “self, this is why American public transit sucks”.

Light rail in tony Scottsdale was going to be a "liberal taxpayer boondoggle that's going to let undesirables from…. MESA… to come up to our area, rob us and take our belongings back to their theives lair, just widen the freeway (which actually makes traffic worse)"
Light rail in tony Scottsdale was going to be a "liberal taxpayer boondoggle that's going to let undesirables from…. MESA… to come up to our area, rob us and take our belongings back to their theives lair, just widen the freeway (which actually makes traffic worse)"
Haha, well, I’m just gonna say that 3 of the biggest “my vehicle is part of my personal identity” posters on here are, uh, not exactly the trump-voting Limbaugh-listening crowd...
Weird. I don’t get grown men who do.

Public transit is great...for other people. :)
I actually took public transportation in DFW for the first time to jury duty for the first time as you get a free pass. The DART was neat, but just doesn’t cover enough city to make it practical. I’d definitely use it if it went more places. Now I need my pickup to work on the house :)
Santa Clara County are a-holes for not being BART participants from the start. I would have happily tried to keep living down that way during my most recent SFO stint except for the utter pain-in-the-butt that was CalTrain to BART to another BART (seriously) to SFO. Fear of riff-raff, indeed. My feelings on the current BART-to-Silicon-Valley alignment are also not fit for print, and the PAMPA (Palo Alto-Menlo Park-Atherton) corridor will forever be a pain in the butt that separates The City® from the rest of the Bay.

Oh, also, the Millbrae Intermodal Terminal is a monument to stupidity, and Bombardier Transportation's crappy choices on thyristors also sucked.

All that aside, BART > driving to SFO by a long shot.
I do to. As long as it keeps the a holes off the road and outta my way!
I forget where you live and where you're based, but indeed.

I think, from an environmental standpoint, and from a safety standpoint, that ANY trip we take off the roads is a win.
The only place I've been to where I could rely on it was Vancouver. I have yet to make it to Japan where it seems they have their stuff together.
It's doable, in the Bay. It's just gonna take forever, especially considering some of the holes in the regional network.

I only took my car to/from work when living in SJ because it was impractical to depend upon public transportation, and Lyft/Uber were not yet things.

I drive to/from MSP (8 min average) now for similar reasons, although given what my car payment is it might be a wash if I sold the thing and just used Lyft/Uber everywhere.
I drive to/from MSP (8 min average) now for similar reasons, although given what my car payment is it might be a wash if I sold the thing and just used Lyft/Uber everywhere.
It's probably cheaper to use ridesharing and public transport. I am very analytical and keep track of every penny. This is my yearly automotive costs including insurance, the cars are paid off for a '13 Legacy and '13 Outback and I do all maintenance in my garage.
