What do you make as a 121 pilot

How much income per year do you make as a pilot? Only pilot income (not investments or other)

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I don't even think it's all that great in the city. Subway stations are too few and far between. You can't walk fifty feet in NY without hitting a station, but it's sometimes a hike in DC.
Really depends on the city. The NY subway system is excellent and very convenient. The DC metro? Not so much.

Definitely depends on which side. The Northern Virginia side is great getting into DC. The Maryland side, not so much. My only real gripe with the DC system is that it closes too early on weekends.
Blasphemy! Yes, I realize this isn't NYC. Apologies for the thread derail.

It's the entitlement, guilting and their expectation that you're in eyesight and earshot. So pay up. Plus they would all up in my personal space. Of course, I'm referencing the ones who perform to a captive audience actually on the subway.

Also, I just don't don't understand, how you can be singing/dancing on a subway, or subway platform for 8-12 hrs. When you could use that time to go out and actually get a real job. I never give money to transients fake or real, or street performers, for that reason. Get a real job.

*Obviously real homeless people can't get jobs. But I don't give money to street side beggers. Because more than half of them are real people just gaming the system.
It's the entitlement, guilting and their expectation that you're in eyesight and earshot. So pay up. Plus they would all up in my personal space. Of course, I'm referencing the ones who perform to a captive audience actually on the subway.

Also, I just don't don't understand, how you can be singing/dancing on a subway, or subway platform for 8-12 hrs. When you could use that time to go out and actually get a real job. I never give money to transients fake or real, or street performers, for that reason. Get a real job.

*Obviously real homeless people can't get jobs. But I don't give money to street side beggers. Because more than half of them are real people just gaming the system.

This dude makes more than a regional FO, hu$tling!

Senior widebody FO is the best job in the world at my company.

Some of my newer copilots are hot 'n heavy about immediately upgrading and I no longer try to talk them out of it, I just LOL and keep those spots free for those that have some damned common sense.

@Derg I completely agree with you. But wasn’t it not that long ago that you were imploring people to upgrade for the professional challenge?
Really depends on the city. The NY subway system is excellent and very convenient. The DC metro? Not so much.

I thought about that for a second, and it’s a good point, in Manhattan you have very easy access. And maybe I need to examine other U.S. transportation systems, but my initial shooting gut reaction to your ‘excellent’ description was ‘Heck No’!!

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Absolutely. Read the entire post again, but for clarity.

I read the post in the context of the thread. But taken completely separate, I see the point. But I’m not sure it sounds encouraging to upgrade, ever, if it involves leaving the best job in the world at your company.
Wants to make fun of millennials....

.... Can't spell millennials.

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It was on intentional. Kinda like Southern Jetz Internashunul, Cot dam, etc. Spoken like an angry old man in a neighborhood yelling at clouds and his cot dam milleneum neighhbors kids playin that rap music.
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