What can i do to make my application look better???

Hey guys.

Had another question.

When the next pubnat does come out (hopefully soon) will it be better to apply first, last, or doesit matter at all?

I was just thinking how many people probably make small errors on their application and or future paperwork. I think showing attention to detail and being on top of things make you look sharp and keep your paperwork at the top of the pile. Especially dealing with the H.R. people where they can get inundated with paperwork, I think the sooner you can get the paperwork in and the neater it is (hear typed not hand written) the more it will benefit you. Also the sooner you can get a Pepc or job offer. Anchorage is actually a nice place but fairbanks is dang cold (I've been up that way) and Juneau I don't know about I guess it could be a good adventure.
This is a little out of context, but it was worded poorly on my part....
...has given me an edge over other OTS applicants. Basically said I have learned what skills are necessary for a controller...

From what I have seen in 24+ years of controlling and 2+ years of CTI folks coming in the door, and then being shown the door, I completely disagree with the above statement.

The only thing I have seen the majority of CTI students possessing is an "I know everything" attitude.

I knew that would be misinterpreted... I'm well aware I don't know jack about my future position.

What I said/meant was that I know some ofthe skill sets necessary to be a good controller, not that I already have the skills of a controller. Far from it. I thought that my strengths in general, as a person, were in the right areas to be able to develop into a successful controller. I made that clear to my interviewer, not so much in my post.

I do have an edge in just basic knowledge of the career and aviation over most OTS people with no CTI/avaition background. I'm not going in blind with my hand out to the federal government for a paycheck.

Every person not interested in ATC or has no real knowledge says to me "ooohh... you will make a lot of money" and "gee.. isn't that going to be stressful?" The general public seems to think controllers are stressed out and rich. It's insulting. Right now, these same people, are able to apply OTS to be controllers. Most would no doubt brush up and get serious once they realize the FAA is serious about hiring them, but not all of them.

I was going to edit that post once I read it, but didn't.
I was just thinking how many people probably make small errors on their application and or future paperwork. I think showing attention to detail and being on top of things make you look sharp and keep your paperwork at the top of the pile. Especially dealing with the H.R. people where they can get inundated with paperwork, I think the sooner you can get the paperwork in and the neater it is (hear typed not hand written) the more it will benefit you. Also the sooner you can get a Pepc or job offer

Ill definitely try to not make errors and make sure i double, triple check everything before i turn my application in.

more questions...

Does the FAA start processing your application when you submit it online or does it wait until the job opening position closes for that pubnat?

Also, as for work and transcripts for my 3 years of experience...

Do they call every job that you put on your application?

Do I have to submit my transcripts to FAA when I submit my application online?

more questions...

Does the FAA start processing your application when you submit it online or does it wait until the job opening position closes for that pubnat?

Also, as for work and transcripts for my 3 years of experience...

Do they call every job that you put on your application?

Do I have to submit my transcripts to FAA when I submit my application online?


If you're putting this much worry into it already, this process will be slightly less painful than a civil war amputation. Slightly.

Here's the generic rundown, in some tune or another, posted about six hundred times in these forums:

1.) Apply to an OTS (Pubnat) opening, and wait for that opening to close.
2.) Wait.
3.) Get a geo-pref e-mail. Choose your states wisely. Pray.
4.) Wait.
5.) Get a few e-mails requesting information at random.
6.) Wait.
7.) More information requests (including transcripts, yes), and if you're lucky,
8.) Be invited to a PEPC. Fill out more information including your SF-85
9.) Wait.
10.) Attend a PEPC, sign a TOL, and be put through a battery of exams.
11.) Wait.
12.) Call and e-mail repeatedly to check on the status of your clearances.
13.) Wait.
14.) Get your clearances and beg for a class date.
15.) Wait.
16.) Wait.
17.) Receive a class date.
18.) Wait for the class date.

This, of course, reflects my experience. Individual results may vary.
Its not that im worrying, i just like to be a little more prepared then i probably should be. id rather no mistakes.

10.) Attend a PEPC, sign a TOL, and be put through a battery of exams.

Just curious what are the battery of exams you speak of?

Also, where is the at-sat on your time line?

And thanks alot for the info, it really gave me a little better understanding of whats to come.
This is a little out of context, but it was worded poorly on my part....

I knew that would be misinterpreted... I'm well aware I don't know jack about my future position.

What I said/meant was that I know some ofthe skill sets necessary to be a good controller, not that I already have the skills of a controller. Far from it. I thought that my strengths in general, as a person, were in the right areas to be able to develop into a successful controller. I made that clear to my interviewer, not so much in my post.

I do have an edge in just basic knowledge of the career and aviation over most OTS people with no CTI/avaition background. I'm not going in blind with my hand out to the federal government for a paycheck.

Every person not interested in ATC or has no real knowledge says to me "ooohh... you will make a lot of money" and "gee.. isn't that going to be stressful?" The general public seems to think controllers are stressed out and rich. It's insulting. Right now, these same people, are able to apply OTS to be controllers. Most no doubt brush up and get serious once they realize the FAA is serious about hiring them, but not all of them.

I was going to edit that post once I read it, but didn't.


You sound disgruntled....
I would like to apologize on behalf of all off the street hires...
1st..We didn't mean to insult you by thinking that this career was stressful yet able to provide a healthy income for our families...
2nd...I apologize because I stumbled upon this...heck, I thought I was applying to be the guy that waived the cones around in front of the plane...I was hoping they would let me load luggage as well.
3rd....I am sorry that I spent 4 years in college learning something else...that I can fall back on if I were to wash out.
Lastly...I'm sorry I am getting paid to learn the same thing you paid to learn....

Ahhhhh I feel better:sarcasm:

on a serious note...

What does a cti grad use his degree for if he washes out?:rawk:

You sound disgruntled....
I would like to apologize on behalf of all off the street hires...
1st..We didn't mean to insult you by thinking that this career was stressful yet able to provide a healthy income for our families...
2nd...I apologize because I stumbled upon this...heck, I thought I was applying to be the guy that waived the cones around in front of the plane...I was hoping they would let me load luggage as well.
3rd....I am sorry that I spent 4 years in college learning something else...that I can fall back on if I were to wash out.
Lastly...I'm sorry I am getting paid to learn the same thing you paid to learn....

Ahhhhh I feel better:sarcasm:

on a serious note...

What does a cti grad use his degree for if he washes out?:rawk:


what was insulting to me was that's literally the only thing people can think to say about ATC. And controllers may get paid well, but there's a difference between getting paid well and being loaded. And until they fix the current pay scale/get a contract, new hires with a family/children aren't exactly going to be living comfortably at first.

I was careful to point out that "the people" who ask stupid questions like my two examples aren't interested in ATC. I was merely pointing out the fact the same people can (or were able to) apply if they wanted to. I was not talking about anyone here. I think anyone that shows up here, if they post or not, is serious about this career path.

But.. the internet has a HUGE problem with being able to completely understand what one person is saying. You take the person out of the conversation and you're talking to a bunch of words. It's lame. It's not a 100% effective way to communicate, but it's easily accessible to a wide audience... so here we are.

And to clarify I'm not a CTI grad, and probably won't be. Just two semesters in and I would consider it money well spent.
More on misleading internet posts:

In omitting one word here or there you can change the whole context of a paragraph. Bahhhhhhhhh! I hate posting for obvious reasons. :banghead: Thats twice now in this thread.

I dropped a "would" from a sentence and suddenly it appears I insulted all OTS applicants. Sorry. :o
what was insulting to me was that's literally the only thing people can think to say about ATC. And controllers may get paid well, but there's a difference between getting paid well and being loaded. And until they fix the current pay scale/get a contract, new hires with a family/children aren't exactly going to be living comfortably at first.

I was careful to point out that "the people" who ask stupid questions like my two examples aren't interested in ATC. I was merely pointing out the fact the same people can (or were able to) apply if they wanted to. I was not talking about anyone here. I think anyone that shows up here, if they post or not, is serious about this career path.

But.. the internet has a HUGE problem with being able to completely understand what one person is saying. You take the person out of the conversation and you're talking to a bunch of words. It's lame. It's not a 100% effective way to communicate, but it's easily accessible to a wide audience... so here we are.

And to clarify I'm not a CTI grad, and probably won't be. Just two semesters in and I would consider it money well spent.

I see what ur saying. fortunately, we dont have to worry about those types that you were talking about getting jobs. i dont even think those types would even apply because their mind is set on the stress rather than turning that stress into excitement/love for the job.

i dont see it as being stressful (which i know it will be) rather as fast paced exciting challenges which will, at least, be enjoyable to me.

This is all based on if i even get a chance to apply and even make it to the process. lol... hopefully soon
More on misleading internet posts:

In omitting one word here or there you can change the whole context of a paragraph. Bahhhhhhhhh! I hate posting for obvious reasons. :banghead: Thats twice now in this thread.

I dropped a "would" from a sentence and suddenly it appears I insulted all OTS applicants. Sorry. :o

Did u see the :sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm:

Oh my attempt at sarcastic humor has failed me. :panic:
wyo poke me...lol

i think that you need to make your sarcasm signs bigger because no one ever catches them and then there getting mad at you...lol... or not either way ill be here finding it amusing.
Did u see the :sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm:

Oh my attempt at sarcastic humor has failed me. :panic:

Yea... I noticed it. I wasn't mad or anything (yet another downside to internet communication: no emotion or tone to your "voice"). You just made me notice what I wrote could be taken the wrong way.

I'll answer your other questions in one secound blake...
more questions...
Does the FAA start processing your application when you submit it online or does it wait until the job opening position closes for that pubnat?
After it’s closed
Also, as for work and transcripts for my 3 years of experience...

Do they call every job that you put on your application?
I don't think so. But, they will contact by mail whatever ones they make you list on the security clearance form; by phone I’m not sure.
Do I have to submit my transcripts to FAA when I submit my application
You will eventually have to submit an official transcript for any school after high school via mail. I think you could order one ahead of time and not open it. That way you could send it when it's requested. Although, even if you don't, and it takes a couple weeks, it won't matter (everything is pretty slow).
Just curious what are the battery of exams you speak of?
Medical, background check, form for security clearance, "crazy test", drug test...
Also, where is the at-sat on your time line?
With me I think it was a little over a month after PUBNAT2 closed when received an e-mail telling me to take AT-SAT. I tested exactly 2 moths after it closed.
And to clarify...

the transcripts will be requested after you have been to the PEPC or passed the local interview if you go Non-PEPC. At least it was that way for me. I did get the feeling I was almost forgotten and they sent me forms or moved me through the processes only after thinking...
Random FAA Person said:
wait... we haven't sent these to him/done this yet?

Who, knows. It helps to have patience.:)
And to clarify...

the transcripts will be requested after you have been to the PEPC or passed the local interview if you go Non-PEPC. At least it was that way for me. I did get the feeling I was almost forgotten and they sent me forms or moved me through the processes only after thinking...

Who, knows. It helps to have patience.:)

Yeah, I've already been asked to submit my transcripts. My PEPC is in two weeks.