What can i do to make my application look better???


New Member
Hey guys,

Im currently in the cti program at aims community college. However, while im in the program I would like to apply OTS so i may have a chance to get hired early.

A little about my background is that i have no aviation at all except for the cti program.

So, my question is does anyone know anything i can do to make my application look better for the hiring process??

Please any suggestions.

Also, just real quick does anyone know when the next OTS hiring will be?

Thanks alot everyone!!!
Hey guys,

Im currently in the cti program at aims community college. However, while im in the program I would like to apply OTS so i may have a chance to get hired early.

A little about my background is that i have no aviation at all except for the cti program.

So, my question is does anyone know anything i can do to make my application look better for the hiring process??

Please any suggestions.

Also, just real quick does anyone know when the next OTS hiring will be?

Thanks alot everyone!!!

The fact that you're in CTI program will not be looked at as aviation experience. I am a pilot and I don't think that even gets looked at as experience. I still think they don't look at your application for the most part. I think they see if you have work/school experience to take the AT-SAT, then after that the only two factors that determine if you’re picked are your geo. preferences, and your test score. It really seams like they put the apps in piles and put the highest scores on top and work there way down (and don't get that far down, definitely not below 90 that I have seen, and would not be surprised if that number is more like 94). As far as the next OTS nobody knows. Remember the CTI program is only going to help once you graduate, and even then only on CTI apps. Good luck.

Edit: "The being"= the being that typed this is a zilch.
From what I have been told, CTI grads have a leg up on people who are OTS, so you have that going for you. My advice would be to go to the facilities you are interested and make yourself known. Fordge relationships with the people there. You are far more likely to be hired if they know you personally then if you are just some number on a form.

Also I would think your school would have something to help you with you resume..
The fact that you're in CTI program will not be looked at as aviation experience. I am a pilot and I don't think that even gets looked at as experience. I still think they don't look at your application for the most part. I think they see if you have work/school experience to take the AT-SAT, then after that the only two factors that determine if you’re picked are your geo. preferences, and your test score. It really seams like they put the apps in piles and put the highest scores on top and work there way down (and don't get that far down, definitely not below 90 that I have seen, and would not be surprised if that number is more like 94). As far as the next OTS nobody knows. Remember the CTI program is only going to help once you graduate, and even then only on CTI apps. Good luck.

Edit: "The being"= the being that typed this is a zilch.

It does...they ask you on your initial application what kind of license you hold..the people do definately look at your resume and work experience come pannel time. I know because they have flat out told me. The score is only a part (albeit a significant part) of how you are reviewed...as long as you have a WQ (I have seen people with 85's get selected) score though, you should be in decent shape. Geo prefereces are significant too...but dont go too crazy on over thinking it. Their is no point on putting some place down that you have no deisre to live..If you are unhappy with where you live it, you will be unhappy in your work and it will show.

The CTI program does more then help you graduate. They are given preferance over OTS people.

It isnt always as cut and dry as you would think. Making relationships with people in the facilities you want to go to is important. They are more likely going to want you if they know YOU, instead of some info or a number on a page. I spent a ton of time and effort visiting whree I wanted to go and writting letters and emails and making phone calls...it paid off.
The CTI program does more then help you graduate. They are given preferance over OTS people.

What I ment was that the CTI program will not help you get hired in a OTS job posting. It will only help you get hired after you graduate (the CTI program) and then only when applying in a CTI job posting.
So, my question is does anyone know anything i can do to make my application look better for the hiring process??

Bedazzle it!

hey guys thanks for the insights and keep um coming.

Just so you know i will be applying OTS before I graduate. Just in case i get hired before i graduate. just makes sense to have the process moving then have cti as a back up plan.

Although, i will be sure to include that i am currently in the cti program in hopes that it will at least help a little. At least i dont believe it can hurt my chances. Or can it?

Is there a list of facilities with contact info somewhere? Cause im interested in somewhere that is not near where i live so i would not be able to tour. Some where like Alaska or washington or montana or utah. Something north west.

Thanks again for the help guys. Keep it coming!
Hey guys,

Im currently in the cti program at aims community college. However, while im in the program I would like to apply OTS so i may have a chance to get hired early.

A little about my background is that i have no aviation at all except for the cti program.

So, my question is does anyone know anything i can do to make my application look better for the hiring process??

Please any suggestions.

Also, just real quick does anyone know when the next OTS hiring will be?

Thanks alot everyone!!!

Join the military, get a CTO somewhere or do better on your ATSAT. The application is a standardized form..... not much room to build yourself unless you actually have experience or education. I'm not really sure what you're looking for here?
Not too sure either. Just trying to see if anyone had any ideas as to something I could do. Maybe picking up a job at the airport or something else along that line. But, im kinding thinking that wont even help.

Kinda gathering that I need to just wait to apply OTS then apply and take the at-sat (it seems everyone gets a chance on the test) and do really well on it and I should be fine.

Thanks alot everyone!
Not too sure either. Just trying to see if anyone had any ideas as to something I could do. Maybe picking up a job at the airport or something else along that line. But, im kinding thinking that wont even help.

Kinda gathering that I need to just wait to apply OTS then apply and take the at-sat (it seems everyone gets a chance on the test) and do really well on it and I should be fine.

Thanks alot everyone!

I'm gonna be straight up honest..... Getting a good score is half the battle....Picking the right states when it comes down to selection is the other half. Too many people on here have great scores but fail to get selected...
Why? Because they select states that there are a lot of people trying to get too.

If you got a 85-95......look at states other than NY, GA, Fl, CO & Nevada..

Just my opinion.....:rawk:
I still think they don't look at your application for the most part. I think they see if you have work/school experience to take the AT-SAT, then after that the only two factors that determine if you’re picked are your geo. preferences, and your test score. It really seams like they put the apps in piles and put the highest scores on top and work there way down (and don't get that far down, definitely not below 90 that I have seen, and would not be surprised if that number is more like 94).

False. I had an 87.2 and already have my PEPC confirmation. No prior experience, knew no one at the time of application that could get my name in there, and had no relatives in the industry.

I'd say it's a craps shoot.
Picking the right states when it comes down to selection is the other half. Too many people on here have great scores but fail to get selected...
Why? Because they select states that there are a lot of people trying to get too.

If you got a 85-95......look at states other than NY, GA, Fl, CO & Nevada..

I agree with you on the geo pref thing.

I think that states im going to be picking might help me out. I was thinking about picking montana, oregon, washington, idaho, places up there in the north west. I might even pick Alaska. Its somewhere id really like to live. But, thats a maybe on that one. (these states are not just for the job...they are really places I would like to live)

What do you think?

Do you think those states will speed up the process and get me a job quicker???

Do you have any recomendations on states to pick that are in need of ATC??

No one really has any updated state lists that tell who's hiring and who isn't. The last report was done in 2007, and after the economy took a nosedive, a lot of those that were going to retire decided to stick around for a few more years because the money was too good to give up during economic hard times.

As a result, those 2007 stats are probably skewed, especially since so many facilities have been hiring in this OTS spree from the past year. The only way to find out is to basically call every airport - regional, national, and international - or ARTCC and see what their hiring situation looks like. Even then, you won't get an accurate number, because they don't even know how many people the FAA will send them from the PUBNATs that are currently in-process, which throws off their numbers.

Bottom line - there's no way to know where to put on your application. "Throughout the nation" gives you the widest range of options. Joining the next PUBNAT just puts you at the current "back of the line" as it were. There is no fast track. You will move at the speed of government.
Yea, i figured there was no way of knowing. I was just hoping to have some ideas on which states people weren't choosing as much so that way i could chose out of those states. Im assuming alaska might be one, but who knows.

Thanks again!!!
I think that states im going to be picking might help me out. I was thinking about picking montana, oregon, washington, idaho, places up there in the north west. I might even pick Alaska. Its somewhere id really like to live. But, thats a maybe on that one. (these states are not just for the job...they are really places I would like to live)

It's not so much the location, it's how many facilities are there and how many have a need. Oregon, for example, may seem like a good idea, but you've got to balance it out with it having fewer facilities and possibly less spots for you to contend for.

You can always try calling up facilities to ask if they expect to have openings, but that can be hard for even an ATM to predict. Your best bet may be to play the ones that have made it abundantly clear that they desperately need controllers -- Alaska or Louisiana would be good choices, for example.

As Wyopoke said, there's little you can do to stand out other than have a good AT-SAT. Think of it this way... they've been receiving thousands of applications. People with prior experience -- military controllers, namely -- go to the top, as they require less training and are much less likely to wash out. CTI has a slight edge, although having watched both CTI and OTS applicants over the past several months, it doesn't seem to be much of one. It's not actual ATC experience, after all, although it does provide some background to work with.

Then, there's us. As an OTS applicant, you're just a social security number with a test score. They don't have the time to look through the applications extensively, and people have said for some PEPC interviews, their application was never even looked at. The FAA needs a quick, easy way to determine who they expect to do well -- the AT-SAT score -- and that's what they'll base their initial decisions on. Aside from that, you don't have much impact on how you'll do until you actually get to the Academy and your training facility, where it's sink or swim.
Alaska or Louisiana would be good choices, for example.

You bring up excellent points. Ive decided that when it comes time i will be putting alaska as one of my choices. Besides Louisiana do you know of any other states that have made it clear they need more atc? (really not fond of Louisiana)

Thanks alot!
What I ment was that the CTI program will not help you get hired in a OTS job posting. It will only help you get hired after you graduate (the CTI program) and then only when applying in a CTI job posting.

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with your "opinion" shaba169. :(

I'm a current CTI student and I am waiting for the last of my clearances to go through before I get my FOL for a Tower position. I had a local interview (Non-PEPC) and didn't "technically" prepare for it. Meaning, I didn't look on here for possible questions or brainstorm what they could be. I was given less than 48 hours notice.

When asked, "what did you do to prepare for this interview?” I mentioned that my current CTI education and past interest in being a pilot (and not in the same words) has given me an edge over other OTS applicants. Basically said I have learned what skills are necessary for a controller and determined that I posses those skills and think I would make an excellent controller.

Actually, the first question he asked me was "are you an OTS or CTI applicant?" I said "a little of both."

Do you still think being a current CTI student will not help you get hired? ;)