I am a junior majoring in commercial aviation with a business minor at UND. I have never attended Comair Aviation Academy (now DCA) nor have I toured there. My problems with them come mostly from what I have seen the past couple of years on this website, but also from what other pilot's amongst the industry have told me.
First problem: Their glossy ads in all the pilot magazines. Here are a few of my favorites:
"Delta Now Owns Comair" - If that is the case, why are Comair Pilots treating Delta Mainline Pilots with disrespect.
I am not exactly sure how this ad was worded, but it stated something like "You can get a job and meet your future significant other while at CAA." Yeah, the chicks are just all over DCA aren't they. I guess it would be good for the women, but awful for the men.
And my favorite one of all, the ad with the photo of the recent new hire class, the one where the CFI looks like he needs some alone time to go take a dump. Btw, this photo has been the same one for the last year and a half. This ad also states, "The investment in your future is secure...Delta now owns Comair." Whoopty Ding Dong, who cares who owns what. I guess your investment in your future is secure, secure of having plenty of debt.
This was taken from their website. "The Academy is an FAA approved Part 141 school offering a complete professional pilot course that can be completed in about 10 months. Upon completion, you will be able to apply for a paid Flight Instructor position. As a paid Flight Instructor, you will gain valuable experience while receiving the flight hours required by the Airlines." I didn't know flight instructors were getting paid these days. They make it sound like they are doing you a favor by paying you for a job. How much do DCA flight instructors get paid these days? any bennies?
Scroll down and read about CAA.
Doug's November 28th, 2000 Newsletter
Second problem: A while back Doug caught some flak from CAA (through e-mail I believe) because CAA students were posting negative comments about CAA. Doug invited CAA higher ups to participate actively in the forums so they could answer any questions that potential students or the current ones might have. Well wouldn't you guess, they didn't show up.
(disclaimer, this is what I remember happening as Doug stated through posts. It was a couple of years ago so I could be wrong. Doug or anyone that was a member here back in the day, please correct me if I missed something.
Third problem: Which has to do with their website. When I can't find the price to attend DCA on the website, I feel they are trying to hide something. So what is the going price for someone to start at 0 time all they way through their instructor certificates?
I know my views are harsh, but I if I can help one person make a better informed decision by reading my views, then it's worth it. I feel there are better and cheaper ways to find the cockpit(definitely not saying what I am doing at UND is the way to go).