Alright JC, discuss…
As a pilot we are able to “jumpseat” on other airlines. This can be in the physical jumpseat in the cockpit, or in a regular passenger seat if one is available. When someone rides up front, it is up to the captain to verify they have their documents (ATP, medical, ID etc) and are eligible to be in the cockpit with us during the flight. When they get a regular seat, it is still part of the process to come up front and let the captain know you were given a seat, and ask their "permission" to ride. In my opinion the whole process is kind of annoying, Since 99% of captains aren’t going to have a problem with you riding unless it is due to a weight and balance issue, or the jumpseat is occupied due to a line check or something like this. Shortly before boarding a captain with another airline came up. He told us the gate agent had given him seat 3A, and that he wanted to let us know he was in the back. He was nice about it, and grabbed his bag and started to head back to his seat. Something about the way he worded it, did not sit well with my captain. He had the flight attendant call the other captain back up front. I thought to myself “Uh Oh, this should be interesting”. When the other guy came back up, my captain procced to lecture him about how he failed to ask his permission, and instead had told him he would be flying with us. That is not how it should be done, He is in charge of the airplane, and that as another captain how would he feel if someone did that on his plane blah, blah blah. It went from 0-100 real quick, and got super awkward. I was in the middle of loading something in the FMS, and went back to doing it as I wanted no part of being involved in this exchange. It is not something I would ever say to another pilot, and I don’t really understand why this is the hill some captains want to die on. I could understand my captain more, had the other guy not come up at all. But he had, and was a friendly guy. But the captain is the one that deals with the jumpseat, and it was his prerogative to handle it the way he felt like. I had no part of it. I’m sure the other pilot was rolling his eyes, but he simply said “thank you for reminding me”. The captain went back to his iPad, and I just kind of smiled and nodded at the other pilot as he walked out. Once he left, the captain was still annoyed. He kept telling me how rude the other guy was, and that if he did that on his airplane he would have done the same thing. I didn’t want any part of it. After a little bit of me only saying “yeah” or “mm-hmm”, he got the point and dropped the topic as I wasn’t really agreeing with him.