Time Build Cessna 150 Minnesota (KANE) - I'll supply the airplane, you pay for gas plus $3/hr.


Well-Known Member
Looking for safety pilot(s) to split costs to build 150+ hours of cross country to meet ATP minimums. I own a 1974 Cessna 150L that is IFR certified (see photo below). I'll supply the airplane, you pay for fuel, plus $3/hr to offset oil changes. Current average price for 100LL AvGas in eastern Minnesota/western Wisconsin is $3.50 to $4.50 per gallon. I plan a 6 gallon per hour fuel burn, so that means you can time build for $24 to $30 per hour.

PLEASE keep in mind this is a Cessna 150. The cockpit is small and cramped, so we'll be in close quarters with one another. It's also slow and doesn't have the greatest performance in the summer heat. If you weigh more than 180 pounds, we'll be squished together and have to reduce the amount of fuel we take. This means we'll have to land more frequently for fuel.

If you're still interested after reading all that, send me a message so we can mesh schedules and work out the details. I'm also open to the idea of taking a week of vacation off work to facilitate rapid time building if that's what you're looking for. However, I need to submit my vacation requests by the end of the first week of the month prior to the month I'm requesting (i.e. a request for vacation in September has to be submitted the first week of August).
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P.S. I realized my initial post may have led folks to believe they'd JUST be a safety pilot. My desire is to split the stick time equally, as I don't expect anyone would want to just sit there and watch me fly 150+ hours under the hood.
Cool deal for someone looking for some time.

What is the STOL package on the 152?

It's a 150, not that there's a great deal of difference between to two (same FAA type certificate, 3A19). One difference that works in concert with the STOL kit is -150's have 40 flaps, while the -152 only has 30 degrees. The STOL kit on my aircraft consists of a leading edge cuff to increase camber at high AOA, stall fences between the flaps and ailerons, aileron gap seals, and wide droopy wing tips that add roughly another foot of wingspan and reduce induced drag. Original published stall speed was 48 & 55 mph respectively for full flaps/clean wing configuration. The STC doesn't come with new book numbers for stall speed after installation of the kit. Instead, it has you test fly the aircraft to find the new stall speeds for your individual aircraft. As best I could tell (the airspeed needle was bouncing a bit), my -150 stalls at 42-43 mph clean wing. The airspeed indicator doesn't register speed below 40 mph, so I honestly don't know the indicated stall speed with full flaps. However, my GPS indicated I was doing 27 knots (31 mph) at touchdown during a landing last week. The STOL kit also has the added benefit of making the stall break very benign, and very un-Cessna like (no sudden drop off on one wing or the other). It gently mushers forward as the nose slowly drops through the horizon and it starts flying again immediately without losing any real altitude.
Nope. If I was a CFI/CFII, I would build hours flight instructing, get paid for it, and use a flight school's airplane instead of letting students abuse my airplane. I'm looking for certificated pilots looking to build hours to meet their personal and/or professional aviation goals.
I'm off August 16-Sept 9. How far are you from MSP? I could possibly spend a few days and fly as this will surely save me some money for my commercial long X/C time.
I'm definitely interested. Do you work weekdays? Weekends? Varying? I live in Bismarck ND, but have friends all over the cities that I can stay with.
I'm off August 16-Sept 9. How far are you from MSP? I could possibly spend a few days and fly as this will surely save me some money for my commercial long X/C time.

I have some family vacation scheduled August 17-22, then I'm back to work at my airline job. Another pilot responded first via personal message looking to take me up on the week off in September option I outlined in my original post. I'll still be available some weekends to fly (I'm a reservist, so at least one weekend a month is spoken for), so I'm open to scheduling flying then. If the other pilot falls through for some unexpected reason, I'll let you know ASAP as you're the second pilot to respond. My plan is to go in order of first come, first served to keep things fair.
I'm definitely interested. Do you work weekdays? Weekends? Varying? I live in Bismarck ND, but have friends all over the cities that I can stay with.

I typically work Mon-Fri, 8:00 am to 5:00pm. I'm open to flying weekends, or after work for that matter, if you're going to be in town visiting friends anyway. I'm accepting pilots to fly with on a first come, first served basis to keep things fair and avoid conflict. You're number 3 thus far. As I said in my original post, I'm looking to fly with multiple pilots to build hours quickly, so being number 3 doesn't mean you're out if luck. I'll just have to creatively schedule my weekends so as not exclude anyone or waste anyone's time.
I'm active duty my schedule is crazy as I don't have too much time off. I usually take 1-2 times a year vacation. I live in Virginia and plan to use miles out to MSP if they're low. Let me know by the week, if not, no big deal. I plan on flying out to Asia if it doesn't go through. Good deal though.
Ah, totally understand, having done 11 1/2 years active duty myself. If anything opens up, I'll try to let you know ASAP so you can adapt your plans as you see fit. If not, no worries here. As for the good deal, I'm not looking to make any money off of anyone. I've had several people help me out throughout my aviation career for free or cheap, so I see this as my way of paying it forward. Flying is so damn expensive as it is, so I try to do my small part to promote GA wherever I can.
How did I miss this?

Any update on where you are with the hours?

I'm still looking to build hours. However, someone already took me up on the week of vacation in September, so that offer in particular is no longer available unless he cancels. Sadly, all of my weekends in September have filled up with other commitments since no one else took me up on my time building offer. If you're still looking to build time in October on the weekends, I'd be happy to set those weekends aside. And if any of my plans change in September, I will let you know if you wish. Sorry you didn't see this sooner, but it's been in the top 7 time building posts for well over a month now. Not sure why it's not being seen, and so far, you're only the third person to show any interest.
I'm still looking to build hours. However, someone already took me up on the week of vacation in September, so that offer in particular is no longer available unless he cancels. Sadly, all of my weekends in September have filled up with other commitments since no one else took me up on my time building offer. If you're still looking to build time in October on the weekends, I'd be happy to set those weekends aside. And if any of my plans change in September, I will let you know if you wish. Sorry you didn't see this sooner, but it's been in the top 7 time building posts for well over a month now. Not sure why it's not being seen, and so far, you're only the third person to show any interest.

I barely log in here.. given work keeps me busy. Looking to wrap up my instrument rating. So October might be perfect. My wife's cousin lives about 5 minutes from the airport in Circle Pines, so that would work out well.

I'll keep an eye on this thread.
Ok...so my plans for the first weekend in September have cancelled. Anyone want to go flying and time build?
I'm definitely interested. Do you work weekdays? Weekends? Varying? I live in Bismarck ND, but have friends all over the cities that I can stay with.

My plans for the Labor Day weekend have cancelled, so I have availability for those still interested in time building. Message me if you're interested ASAP. First come, first served.
My plans for the Labor Day weekend have cancelled, so I have availability for those still interested in time building. Message me if you're interested ASAP. First come, first served.