The predecessor of the BE-99

And if it was worth its salt as a viable airplane, it would still be in use today. That thing is ugly as sin. Saying it's more impressive than a 99 ain't exactly a convincing argument either.
Well they just didn't make hardly any of them. I know of a couple still in service and the people that operate them wouldn't even consider selling them because there's nothing else that quite fills it's role so well. You realize it's a beech 18 right?


I believe it is a Howard 250. The only one I remember seeing ran out of fuel a few miles short of KRBD a few months after I had seen it.
Well they just didn't make hardly any of them. I know of a couple still in service and the people that operate them wouldn't even consider selling them because there's nothing else that quite fills it's role so well. You realize it's a beech 18 right?

Yeah, I got that part. Just seems like an unfortunate bastard from an otherwise noble lineage. Unpressurized turboprops are an odd breed (C208 included). And that one being in a passenger configuration is extra goofy.
Yeah, I got that part. Just seems like an unfortunate bastard from an otherwise noble lineage. Unpressurized turboprops are an odd breed (C208 included). And that one being in a passenger configuration is extra goofy.
Oh right, I don't think any are in passenger configuration anymore. The useful load with those engines is pretty much unmatched in a non type rated airplane. 4500lbs plus fuel, iirc.
Oh right, I don't think any are in passenger configuration anymore. The useful load with those engines is pretty much unmatched in a non type rated airplane. 4500lbs plus fuel, iirc.
I dont know what the specs on the Shorts Skyvan are, but I dont think it comes close to that. It even has the TPE-331s.
They certainly look better than the Volpar Beech 18's as a nosedragger. That said, whoever took a Lodestar and put a nosewheel on it...well, my disgust knows no bounds.
Ah yes the great old BEECH-18! One of the true classic airplanes that helped build the backbone of aviation. Great old plane. I used to own one & spent awhile flying it all around Alaska. I had the original tailwheel though that worked much better on the gravel/off airport strips. Lots of interesting stories......Again, they were a great old aircraft. Got some time in the Volpar Turboliner as well.....