The new Riddle bashing thread

“I just want my kids to be safe” she said while driving, texting, and smoking.

It’s right up there with the “loud pipes save lives” crowd and the spandex clad “share the road” crowd. If I saw Harley riders wearing high visibility clothes and actual safety gear I’d believe them. The cyclists, I’m down to share the road, but no matter the vehicle, if you’ve got a long line of cars behind you because you’re going nowhere near a normal speed…you’re a wiener.

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As someone who rides a Harley in a state where motorcycles aren’t as prevalent, I can attest that loud pipes do indeed save lives. I don’t know how many times a whip off the throttle has kept me from being run off the road.
Why do people go to ERAU these days? It barely made sense back in the day when it wasn’t “as bad” from an affordability standpoint. But today? Sheesh. IMO I’d rather do ALLATPs and give it all in 18 months, and get a college degree from somewhere else far, far cheaper.
It's been a while. Thought this would be fun. I'm on a facebook page called Raising Aviation Teens. They got like 17K members. I call it the soccer mom's of flying page. It's really a great page, though. Mostly newbie mom's who's kid wants to be a pilot and I opine once in a while and try to answer any questions they have. Give career advice. Ect. I bash Riddle pretty regular on there, which is great fun. But this takes the cake. Thoughts? View attachment 79700

Nothing huge. Just having a niece and nephew headed to college and the expectations of that generation (gender reveal parties, thousands spent on high school graduation parties, professionally-produced videos of the graduate opening college acceptance letters… it’s just a sign of the times.

Parents try to accompany their 20–something’s to major airline interviews, write hiring boards, try to join their 30-something ‘children’ into the AME exam room, the ‘congrats the check has cleared’ box is goofy for a 50 year old, but probably mitigates the weird situation where “Well, Spartan sent us a celebratory box, so did Grand Canyon Univeristy, but Riddle just send me an acceptance letter so they’re totally lame, son”.

I don’t know.
Nothing huge. Just having a niece and nephew headed to college and the expectations of that generation (gender reveal parties, thousands spent on high school graduation parties, professionally-produced videos of the graduate opening college acceptance letters… it’s just a sign of the times.

Parents try to accompany their 20–something’s to major airline interviews, write hiring boards, try to join their 30-something ‘children’ into the AME exam room, the ‘congrats the check has cleared’ box is goofy for a 50 year old, but probably mitigates the weird situation where “Well, Spartan sent us a celebratory box, so did Grand Canyon Univeristy, but Riddle just send me an acceptance letter so they’re totally lame, son”.

I don’t know.

They do those things because society lets them get away with it.
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I think one thing that gen z is getting right, for all its warts and obsession with social media and "monetizing" everything, is its collective skepticism of traditional employers and their expectations of labor. Maybe it is a little bit of defeatism when it comes to money issues and the hand they have been dealt, but they seem to have collectively embraced QOL as a life goal, which I think has value. Of course those are huge generalizations though.
You’re seeing that today? What I’m seeing is a tow-this-line or else you get in trouble mentality.

I think there is an element of that in the media, SM, for sure. Day to day actual young people......I think they are just trying to survive from what I've experienced. I'm sure they're different online......everyone is
I didn't read the whole article, but I did take a slight bit of pleasure in them not capitalizing the "C" in captain when they mentioned Van...because when you were a jackass of an LCA and then decided to teach upset recovery procedures for a fighter as tech-cedure for a wide body transport passenger aircraft, you don't deserve upper case letters.
I didn't read the whole article, but I did take a slight bit of pleasure in them not capitalizing the "C" in captain when they mentioned Van...because when you were a jackass of an LCA and then decided to teach upset recovery procedures for a fighter as tech-cedure for a wide body transport passenger aircraft, you don't deserve upper case letters.

A lot of what he taught was actually pretty good. Minus the exaggerated affects of wake on a large widebody airliner. A lot of other theory stuff (especially the crossover AOA) that took out UA and US 737s, was very good.

obviously he shouldn’t have emphasized the rudder as much as he did for transport category aircraft. But NO where in his AAMP program did he ever talk about slamming rudder pedals back and forth as some sort of stabilizing move.

I still don’t understanding why complete full, alternating reverse inputs to ANY flight control surface would do you any good. Full right rudder, aircraft responds, slam left, well, it’s gonna try to go the other way, but then full right, WTF are you trying to accomplish? I still blame the AA FO for that crash. And yeah, the design of the A300 attachment points as a contributing factor. But if you read the final report, the FO back in the 727 had a wake encounter and started slamming rudder pedals. The CA in that flight stated it was so bad, he thought they lost an engine. And when questioned the FO, he claimed that the AAMP taught him to do that. But the CA called him on it, saying all you’re doing is introducing very large side loads.

Terrible crash, completely unnecessary. And literally like 2 months after 9/11.
I’m trying to figure out why people who are parents complain about their children to people without kids.

I’m not about to go busting into a Chuck E. Cheese and declare “I’m glad you’re good at soccer and your parents spend thousands for private soccer coaching, but the whole thing is going nowhere!”
Umm, as did the NTSB. Have you read the probable cause?

My takeaway is that they did their job and researched deep into the "why", but it was probably equally probable that the dude was just ham-fisted (or footed). In any segment of aviation, you will find them. Normally they don't break tails off airplanes though, so there is that. Only time I ever touch the rudder is on the runway, or very very near it. Maybe someone here is smarter than me about this, but I don't feel like anything good happens in a transport cat airplane at normal airborne speeds with rudder inputs.
I’m trying to figure out why people who are parents complain about their children to people without kids.

I’m not about to go busting into a Chuck E. Cheese and declare “I’m glad you’re good at soccer and your parents spend thousands for private soccer coaching, but the whole thing is going nowhere!”
Wait I got a new idea for JC bro day