The new Riddle bashing thread

Truth! I remember standing at my kids' and asking if anyone else thought this was dumb. I was apparently the only one.
I once dated, for quite some time, a lady who had the same acerbic wit that I have. We got along great, but jobs and life drifted us apart, as it often does.

She was a “local”, but after we’d been dating for a while, I noticed her friends were very stand off-ish. The wine got the better of me one evening, and I asked her point blank about it.

She says “You intimidate them.” This took me aback, as I am a doughy 5’9”, and even that is fibbing slightly.

She went on: “You speak your mind, you call out BS, especially on ‘common knowledge’, take unconventional positions, and you compound the offense by being invariably right on almost every issue. You’re not even an • about it, but you’re like a Vulcan, laying everything out logically, which just makes it worse.”

She wrapped up this interlude of bluntness with “people don’t like being told being stupid isn’t cool”. I thought that was a rather poignant insight.

My rather roundabout point is don’t judge the correctness of your position by those around you. They’re just trying to be cool.
I once dated, for quite some time, a lady who had the same acerbic wit that I have. We got along great, but jobs and life drifted us apart, as it often does.

She was a “local”, but after we’d been dating for a while, I noticed her friends were very stand off-ish. The wine got the better of me one evening, and I asked her point blank about it.

She says “You intimidate them.” This took me aback, as I am a doughy 5’9”, and even that is fibbing slightly.

She went on: “You speak your mind, you call out BS, especially on ‘common knowledge’, take unconventional positions, and you compound the offense by being invariably right on almost every issue. You’re not even an • about it, but you’re like a Vulcan, laying everything out logically, which just makes it worse.”

She wrapped up this interlude of bluntness with “people don’t like being told being stupid isn’t cool”. I thought that was a rather poignant insight.

My rather roundabout point is don’t judge the correctness of your position by those around you. They’re just trying to be cool.

Wait, are you a native Texan too? :-)
I’ve been around graduate (not undergraduate) admissions for years, as my wife has run graduate business schools for decades. The notification process has changed greatly, from nothing more than a letter on good quality paper to an email plus something along the lines of the ERUA congratulatory package plus a personal phone call from the Admissions Director. It’s a very competitive business. The ERAU box is not over the top at all.
I did grad school and post degree work, and agree it can be highly variable.

People have in their head that anything grad school is “you’re lucky to be here”, but in reality, STEM grad school students, especially those who can communicate well and can pass a security background check are somewhat rare, and usually are on a full ride + stipend + benefits.
As long as Karen is driving an SUV that weighs more than the bus her kid isn't riding that won't change.

“I just want my kids to be safe” she said while driving, texting, and smoking.

It’s right up there with the “loud pipes save lives” crowd and the spandex clad “share the road” crowd. If I saw Harley riders wearing high visibility clothes and actual safety gear I’d believe them. The cyclists, I’m down to share the road, but no matter the vehicle, if you’ve got a long line of cars behind you because you’re going nowhere near a normal speed…you’re a wiener.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Celebrating birthdays past the age of 10 is extravagance.

I get super uncomfortable around mine as I get older. Hearing from lots of people who don’t care enough to talk to you on a regular basis seems forced and shallow. Hearing from people you talk to all the time seems redundant.

My last two birthdays were awesome. Last year I departed the US with less than an hour to go before my birthday started and landed in Asia close to the end.

This year I spent it (unsuccessfully) trying to coax an unwilling airplane for a short inter Asia flight. We went back to the hotel and I enjoyed a couple glasses of wine before bed.