The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Working in Australia.

The only insanity here is that folks accept the gun culture of this country.

Why do you need an AR so badly?

Ok expert.

What did Australia's gun "ban" actually do? What did the law require?

The sad part- you don't even understand the laws already in place, and argue for duplicating them.

NY has fantastic gun laws. NY safe is all but unenforceable.

MD kicked back the AWB, looks like it's going to fail too. Texas is now open carry

VA is moving to open up carry, and is not recipe acting with other states again.

Where's the outcry? Where are the masses playing the "long game".
You really got that from the article? You are missing the point where it shows that Congress and their ammosexual friends are the ones blocking the real progress we need to make towards our gun culture in this country.
I got - pointless rule changes made to grandstand (and nothing else) did exactly that.

The EO's didn't actually change anything.
@Seggy I've been to many, many "gun courses." None of which have made society safer, because there is still flesh connected to a trigger each time a round was sent, wherever it was aimed. Change the ass behind the gun, then you will ACTUALLY be safer.

Why don't you understand that.

I love target shooting and hunting with my AR. Fantastic for hogs and coyotes.
I love the fact that I can tacti-cool out my AR.

The minute our society holds Budwieser responsible for drunk driving, maybe, just maybe you progressives will muster some culture change.
Why do you need an AR so badly?

To defend myself and my family from people with hammers/clubs which kill more people each year than all the rifles in the country not just AR-15s.

What is it with you gun banners and your irrational hard-on for a firearm that is cost prohibitive to most criminals and kills far fewer people than cheap (<300 dollars) handguns. Do you take your marching orders from the Brady bunch that seriously? Because everything you just demanded is one of their talking points. Nice to see you thinking for yourself.

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Assault Weapon ban
How do you ban something that doesn't actually exist, but is a made up word?

[quoted] It is debated whether the term “assault weapon,” which entered the American lexicon in the late 1980s, originated as a political ploy by gun control advocates or as a marketing ploy by gun retailers. What is certain is that “assault weapon” is not a technical term, a term of art used by firearms manufactures, or a military term. The closest match in any of those categories is the term “assault rifle,” which is a military term referring to a medium-caliber, shoulder-fired rifle that allows the shooter to select between semiautomatic mode and either fully automatic or three-shot-burst mode. Because "assault weapons," as defined by state and federal law, can fire in neither fully automatic mode nor three-shot-burst mode, they are not assault rifles.

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People like Seggy and Cherokee are calling for law abiding gun owners and retail manufactures to be legally and financially responsible for actions committed by somebody else...

At the same time this is the crap that is the real problem
Guess the guns he stole and sold still in circulation on the street are Smith & Wessons fault...

It's got nothing to do with getting guns off the street. It's all part of the plan to put dealers and manufacturers out of business and raise the cost to a prohibitive level for private citizens. They achieve what they want (a disarmed populous) while never having to overturn the second amendment.
If you really feel you NEED an AR15 just to feel safe for you/family, perhaps it's time you move. I would never live in a place in which I felt that I NEEDED an AR15 just to be safe.
@Seggy I've been to many, many "gun courses." None of which have made society safer, because there is still flesh connected to a trigger each time a round was sent, wherever it was aimed. Change the ass behind the gun, then you will ACTUALLY be safer.

Why don't you understand that.

I love target shooting and hunting with my AR. Fantastic for hogs and coyotes.
I love the fact that I can tacti-cool out my AR.

The minute our society holds Budwieser responsible for drunk driving, maybe, just maybe you progressives will muster some culture change.

No shortage of gun owners who are asses. There's just nothing that your side is okay with proposing to help stop the ass in the first place.
People like Seggy and Cherokee are calling for law abiding gun owners and retail manufactures to be legally and financially responsible for actions committed by somebody else...

At the same time this is the crap that is the real problem
Guess the guns he stole and sold still in circulation on the street are Smith & Wessons fault...

It's got nothing to do with getting guns off the street. It's all part of the plan to put dealers and manufacturers out of business and raise the cost to a prohibitive level for private citizens. They achieve what they want (a disarmed populous) while never having to overturn the second amendment.

85 guns in one safe that were stolen. Yeah, the criminals should be imprisoned and not get off lightly. But lets also talk about this gun owner household itself? Wow.
85 guns in one safe that were stolen. Yeah, the criminals should be imprisoned and not get off lightly. But lets also talk about this gun owner household itself? Wow.
Collecting Cars is fine, Collecting sports memorabilia is fine, collecting comic books are fine, but collecting guns is not?

Last I checked, even with 85 legal guns, the owner hadn't broken out into a shooting rampage.
If you really feel you NEED an AR15 just to feel safe for you/family, perhaps it's time you move. I would never live in a place in which I felt that I NEEDED an AR15 just to be safe.
People buy AR-15's because it is an open concept firearm. Anybody can make them, so there is a lot of variety. This means it has a robust parts, support and aftermarket inventory. It is easy to customize and work on yourself. Most rifle classes teach with AR's.

It is the Honda Civic of guns. Not nearly the most lethal, simply the most visible.
There's just nothing that your side is okay with proposing to help stop the ass in the first place.

Oh, that's where you are wholesale incorrect.

Everyone -- everyone -- is interested in finding a way to reduce violent crime. Your side, my side, all sides.

Everyone does not agree that the root cause, or the best/appropriate avenue to fight it, relates to firearms.
You know i would guess that in the last 10 years suicidal airline pilot have killed more people than all the AR-15 that have been sold to the public since 1964 when the AR were first sold to the public. should we ban all airline pilots ?
Collecting Cars is fine, Collecting sports memorabilia is fine, collecting comic books are fine, but collecting guns is not?

Last I checked, even with 85 legal guns, the owner hadn't broken out into a shooting rampage.

I meant more so that it it was more so all eggs in one basket. Good on the authorities recovering 81 of them, that's far more than I thought they would have gotten back. "Only" 4 missing seems to be a miracle.
People buy AR-15's because it is an open concept firearm. Anybody can make them, so there is a lot of variety. This means it has a robust parts, support and aftermarket inventory. It is easy to customize and work on yourself. Most rifle classes teach with AR's.

It is the Honda Civic of guns. Not nearly the most lethal, simply the most visible.

I don't make the "don't need an AR 15 because a 9mm shoots just fine" argument because I also realize it's like saying one doesn't need a Ferrari because an Accord drives from point A to B just the same, just a little bit slower. A Ferrari is about refined taste, particulars, sculpture, curves, speed, looks, etc. So I get it for guns too.

But, you have to understand the general public image of these kinds of guys are typically in the hands of soldiers at war. Where else do you see weapons like this on tv, newspapers, media?
Oh, that's where you are wholesale incorrect.

Everyone -- everyone -- is interested in finding a way to reduce violent crime. Your side, my side, all sides.

Everyone does not agree that the root cause, or the best/appropriate avenue to fight it, relates to firearms.

"There's no rhyme or reason for some people. Some people just don't care. Some people just want to watch the world burn."

I think human psychology, the mind itself, is reason enough not to have a blanket policy of "guns for everyone." You and probably everyone on this forum are mentally competent, sane, and responsible to own and use guns. The same can't be said for other people. I understand it's a constitutional right, but a blanket policy that doesn't account for the people who just want to watch others burn/hurt/die..... that leads us to the mass shootings the general public despises.