The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Mass shooting account for less than 1% of gun deaths. Why focus on such a small subset? Your pushing for change that will have no effect.

So did 9/11 terrorism. But that didn't stop us from 2 wars, billions spent to fight terrorism, create the DHS, the TSA, and farm our civil rights away in order to protect our selves and keep us safe. And no one complained because we felt safer. Now just mention touching the 2A and people go crazy.
So did 9/11 terrorism. But that didn't stop us from 2 wars, billions spent to fight terrorism, create the DHS, the TSA, and farm our civil rights away in order to protect our selves and keep us safe. And no one complained because we felt safer. Now just mention touching the 2A and people go crazy.

It shouldn't have, but, govt used peoples emotional reaction to push through legislation that we all regret to this day...

Maybe we should learn and not try to do it again with other parts of the constitution.
It shouldn't have, but, govt used peoples emotional reaction to push through legislation that we all regret to this day...

Maybe we should learn and not try to do it again with other parts of the constitution.

Oh come on, don't pretend like people are regretting it to this day. The battle cry for the #1 leading Republican candidate banning individuals of a certain religion from this country. And its met with cheer, support, and a drive up the popularity polls. It doesn't seem like violating the constitution is stopping them.
Oh come on, don't pretend like people are regretting it to this day. The battle cry for the #1 leading Republican candidate banning individuals of a certain religion from this country. And its met with cheer, support, and a drive up the popularity polls. It doesn't seem like violating the constitution is stopping them.
How does that relate to the erosion of the 4th, 14th and 1st that came with the patriot act?

Take a running poll, see how many people would get rid of the DHS now.

Wouldn't you agree that we don't want to give up any more than we already have?
So did 9/11 terrorism. But that didn't stop us from 2 wars, billions spent to fight terrorism, create the DHS, the TSA, and farm our civil rights away in order to protect our selves and keep us safe. And no one complained because we felt safer. Now just mention touching the 2A and people go crazy.
tu quoque.
Sorry for the necropost of such an old thread, but this is directly relevant to the thread topic.

The 4th Circuit just returned a lower court's decision which upheld the 2013 Maryland Assault Weapons Ban. The Circuit essentially scoffs the lower court's ruling, ordering it to reconsider its ruling using "strict scrutiny" (which they quite famously chose not to use in their ruling).

A good, if lengthy, read (even for those of us "non-Constitutional-scholars" or those without JDs):

Here's a news article with a summary. Strangely (okay, not surprisingly), the ruling isn't getting quite the same front-page media attention that the SCOTUS' decision to not take up two other Circuit opinions on AWBs.
I will celebrate in the streets of New York if AWBs get eviscerated.

My gut tells me SCOTUS will punt and even if the bans were overturned because they are unconstitutional the wacky states would just ignore it and carry on.
I will celebrate in the streets of New York if AWBs get eviscerated.

My gut tells me SCOTUS will punt and even if the bans were overturned because they are unconstitutional the wacky states would just ignore it and carry on.
Like NJ haha we are a lost cause...

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Pretty funny part on page 45 of the PDF:

Our distinguished dissenting colleague asserts that we have imprudently and unnecessarily broken with our sister courts of appeal and infers that we will bear some responsibility for future mass shootings. In our view, inferences of this nature have no place in judicial opinions and we will not respond beyond noting this. The meaning of the Constitution does not depend on a popular vote of the circuits and it is neither improper nor imprudent for us to disagree with the other circuits addressing this issue. We are not a rubber stamp. We require strict scrutiny here not because it aligns with our personal policy preferences but because we believe it is compelled by the law set out in Heller and Chester.
Apparently it is more important to announce that you're going to take action than it is to actually take it.

This from the hardcore right-wing, ammosexuals at the NY Times:
Obama’s Lofty Plans on Gun Violence Amount to Little Action

Obama administration officials said they had no specific plans to increase investigations, arrests or prosecutions of gun sellers who do not comply with the law. No task forces have been assembled. No agents or prosecutors have been specifically reassigned to such cases. And no funding has been reallocated to accelerate gun sale investigations in Washington or at the offices of the 93 United States attorneys.
Apparently it is more important to announce that you're going to take action than it is to actually take it.

This from the hardcore right-wing, ammosexuals at the NY Times:
I think Cherokee's post number #660 had a phrase that sums up the new name of the game "felt safer". You don't actually have to make people safer anymore. You just have to make them feel safe. In fact politically, it's probably better if making people feel safer is as far as politicians go because then they can blame the other guy for hindering their success and being against safety. Statistics end up getting thrown around how people aren't actually safer which starts the frenzy all over again. The frenzy helps the politician justify their existence and they make another policy/task force/law/committee/etc to make people feel safe...starting the cycle over again.
I think Cherokee's post number #660 had a phrase that sums up the new name of the game "felt safer". You don't actually have to make people safer anymore. You just have to make them feel safe. In fact politically, it's probably better if making people feel safer is as far as politicians go because then they can blame the other guy for hindering their success and being against safety. Statistics end up getting thrown around how people aren't actually safer which starts the frenzy all over again. The frenzy helps the politician justify their existence and they make another policy/task force/law/committee/etc to make people feel safe...starting the cycle over again.

Like gun free zones on college campuses and the like. "Feel safe", even if it's an illusion.
Apparently it is more important to announce that you're going to take action than it is to actually take it.

This from the hardcore right-wing, ammosexuals at the NY Times:

You really got that from the article? You are missing the point where it shows that Congress and their ammosexual friends are the ones blocking the real progress we need to make towards our gun culture in this country.
What progress do you propose?

Assault Weapon ban, no need you need an AR-15. Hold gun and ammunition manufactures responsible when a gun is used to commit a crime. Six month wait when you want to buy a gun. Two week long training program to get a gun, etc.
Assault Weapon ban, no need you need an AR-15. Hold gun and ammunition manufactures responsible when a gun is used to commit a crime. Six month wait when you want to buy a gun. Two week long training program to get a gun, etc.

Already been done, already didn't work.

Isn't there a cliche that goes ," the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result"

What makes the AR bad? What specific feature makes it stand out?