The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Really, what business is it of ours in the US what another sovereign state wants to do with their own technology and own military.

Yeah! So frack it. Frack it if Iran destroys Israel. It's not our problem. Stupid Jews shouldn't have put their country in Palestine anyway! Frack it if Iran supports Islamic Jihadists who could smuggle an Iranian nuke across our southern border. Frack the border. Open it up for everyone!

Really? The U.S. has no interest in stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons? Yeah, frack that. We don't give a crap about anyone else. Let em' nuke each other. Who cares.
I didn't say it wasn't in the US national interest to know and try to influence what Iran was doing.

I asked what business of ours it was what another sovereign nation did with their own technology and military.

Significant difference between the two statements.
So you are refuting my non-facts with "so what?" that's funny.

I mean, it's not really an issue - it's the same as people beating the drum beat against guns in this country - my answer to them is usually, "So what?" This is not an "issue." Their airspace, their waters, or international waters, they can do whatever the hell they want - just like we do. We have a massive empire - and make no mistake it's an empire - and we project power around however we want. Getting indignant when a regional power tries to do the same thing is foolish.

Everyone, especially Israel. Iran will, in a heartbeat nuke Israel. I know most of the folks here on JC could give a rats ass about Israel though. Then there is the threat of terrorism. Iran sponsors terrorism, and it's the terrorists that will nuke us or our allies.

Not going to happen - first off, let's say they build a bomb. Let's say they build a billy badass first bomb in the megaton range. Let's say they decide they secretly want to sell it to Hezbollah to blow up whatever. And let's say that they do set it off. EVERYONE is going to know exactly where the bomb came from from the leftover chemical signatures in the fallout and debris from the bomb. Each nuclear enrichment facility leaves a distinct signature in the chemical makeup of the weapon. We will know who set it off. The Iranians are not stupid, they know if that happens, even if there is plausible deniability, that it's game over for them. There will be no Iran. The Ayatollahs are not going to sacrifice their power for a one-off nuclear strike on Israel that may not even work as planned. Yeah, they are "state sponsors of terror," but in that way, so are we! We armed the Mujahadeen for a long time because it was a convenient way to project power without having to commit troops that could lead to a wider war. They're doing the same thing.

I agree. Unfortunately I think it was a bad deal that only delays the inevitable.

Again with "So what?".

I never said they had a missile that could hit us. Hence the reason they sponsor terrorism. And if you think "mutually assured destruction" is a reason why Iran would never use a nuke, then you don't understand the guys in charge over there. That is exactly what they want! They want to bring about the return of the 12th Imam. In case you haven't heard about the 12th Imam read this.

They may be radical, but they're not stupid. That stuff is used to rally the troops, rile up the "unwashed masses" and keep people in line. A bomb goes off, everyone on Earth is going to know who is responsible, and it will be game over for Iran.

As a father you know you will worry about your kids until the day you die.

Of course, but you should probably focus your worries on the things in life that are statistically most likely to kill them - double check your blind spot and make sure they don't get too depressed as highschoolers.

Testing TUCKnTRUCK .
Short list :Federal property and buildings, to include federal courts, post offices, federal building, national cemetery's, used to be federal parks and land, but now just limited to the ranger stations and buildings, you can carry concealed in the federal (but not necessarily state parks)

The only private property that federal law provides you from carrying a weapon on is an airplane - unless checked appropriately.

In reality the law prohibits carrying of dangerous weapons, not guns exclusively... Knives are out too.

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Here's what we can expect from a Hillary administration, and if there is a shift in both houses of Congress this fall, signed into law:

This was from the Clinton I administration. Note that "Handgun Control, Inc" is now renamed "Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence".

You know, if we banned minorities from owning guns, and, did a massive door to door forced entry searches of all Minority homes gun crime would fall drastically.

If we're going to go after the constitution, go big or go home right?

(Sarcasm should be well noted here)
From Bill Maher:

I’m sorry about the mass murders, but short of confiscation, there’s nothing we can do about the spree shooters except wear thicker clothes. And most gun deaths in America are suicides, and our suicide rate isn’t that bad. According to The Washington Post, it’s 10.1 per 100,000, which is better than France, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Canada, all the countries NPR always lists when they talk about why we can’t have nice things. We’re a very big country with a pretty average suicide rate, and we just happen to do it by sucking a gun. I hate the NRA, and I hate homicidal maniacs and I don’t care who knows it, but if you think shooting sprees are a national health crisis, you have to stop reading Facebook and calm down.

Interestingly, the comments section of Mr Maher's post pretty clearly shows what the intent for gun control folks is, and it isn't what he's ascribing in his post.
It's kind of funny, but, by all data available, the Wild West wasn't t actually that wild. A gun shot of any form was bad news, medicine wasn't there to fix you up. Gangrene was nasty - so, outside of Hollywood and our idealism most people avoided gun violence and used them as tools. I forget where I read about it, but, if I recall there was an article that had pulled death records for a few areas in Texas and found that the gun violence rates were not too dissimilar to today.

Likewise I grew up in VT. You would see trucks parked at the capital with guns in the gun rack. The only real "rule" as posted at the city limits: discharge of long guns prohibited in city limits.

On another note:

3 days ago CA pushed to outlaw the bullet button and force people to permanently affix the magazine to the gun. If somebody knows how to shoot and knows their weapon, the rear takedown pin takes 2 seconds, from which you can easily push in 10 off a striper clip. I'm sure somebody will replace that rear pin with a catch and make it even faster.
That's a sweet cerakote job. What color is it, and is it yours?
Federal property and buildings
a sign posted “Federal facility” means a building or part thereof owned or leased by the Federal Government, where Federal employees are regularly present for the purpose of performing their official duties.
as to Federal Parks, federal law (Sec. 512 of P.L. 111-24), effective February 22, 2010, makes national parks – and national wildlife refuges – subject to applicable federal, state, and local firearms laws. The law is a provision of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, which was passed by Congress and signed by the President in May 2009.
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Look, if you can devise a way to enact responsible control, which does not limit the rights of our citizens and effectively minimizes gun crime, then I am all for it.

The problem is, 99% of what people try to push either duplicate the laws already in place, or, severely punish the 99.9% who peacefully own and use their firearms.

The solution isn't the guns.

Fix the middle class

Restore the American Dream

Correct the market

Give kids the upbringing they need, not hours of COD and Xbox. Give people a positive outlook on life, and get free aid to those who are struggling with mental health issues.

You point a finger at guns, but, look at the other strong indicators for mental well being.

Heroin OD rates are so high that states are now offering immunity to people who call in OD's, drug use is way way up. Crime to feed the drug problems is way up.

Fix the root issue, and the rest will fall into line. Going after guns isn't going to do a damn thing.

Those "99.9 percenters" were legal law abiding until the moment they took their gun and pointed it at a person. Now a law was broke. Pulling the trigger was the next one second, and not enough time for someone to react and stop him. Now the masses get executed.

And to make matters worse, when the police do come, they will march us non-gunners out with our arms up because some gun owner decided to go human hunting.

The sensible thing that can be enacted is a mental health evaluation prior to a legal gun purchase. Period. You have no mental issues TucknTruck, so you are fine. Have a uniform set of standards that apply to all 50 states that clearly spells out what is on the mental evaluation, the kind of doctor that can do this examination, the things to be tested, etc, etc. One uniform standard so there's no question about it. This will at least help in stopping those mental nutjobs from legally getting a gun. The next avenue no one can stop, is get it illegally off the streets, but I'll take those chances.... most of these dbags that have done mass shootings were socially awkward hermits that (IMO) would not have had the street cred, the know how, or the convincing in order to successfully pull of an illegal gun sale in the middle of the night somewhere in a dark alley.

And I'd also vote a law that gave one a murder charge if their gun was used by another immediate family member (wife, kid) in a mass shooting. So if Mrs. Lanza didn't take 4 bullets to the head, I'd push to have her be charged for Sandy Hook murders. Accessory to murder. Criminal liability. Something, anything to get some of these "law abiding" gun owners to take a little more responsibility about the guns and people in their homes.
Can we all agree that we need cameras in the cockpit (and also the ability to remote control the plane)? I just can't trust pilots anymore, especially not after landing on a taxiway, again, at Seattle. We need immediate action now.

Welp, no one died in that Seattle landing. So, no.