Thank you!!!


one things for sure.. as soon as the girls see that, they're out there telling him to get down or be thrown out.

I'd hate to be thrown out of anywhere our group a bad name (that is IF our group name is ever tied to anything)
OK OK OK, I've already been enrolled in drunken climbers anonymous. No more swinging from the rafters.
Matt you're a member of the...

1. Drunken climbers club

2. Drunken tipping over porta potties club

3. Drunken running around parking lots at night with your sun glasses on while while hitting the "GO APE" button on other members of the forum key'

4. Drunken, "Oh happy hour is ending? Yeah my FO here needs like 5 more of these" club.

And that's only one night!
I'd like to take a moment to thank FlyChicaga for climbing those rafters.

It made me realize that it was not, in fact, a good idea. In fact, it made me realize that I'd have looked silly had I attempted it.

So... er.. here's to FlyChicaga. :D
Dude, you called me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday, found out I was at a bar, and made the bartender make me shots.
OH, that's GOOD!!!! not everyone can talk a bartender into making someone shots by phone!
I totally agree with having it in San Diego!!! (well, since I live here :D)

But seriously... there is so much to do. We could organize a chartered tour bus to take us to various places, plus I can offer to drive people around.
Don't know if this has thrown out there, but.......

How about next year in D.C.??

Tons...TONS of aviation stuff. TONS of interesting sights. TONS of convention hotels.......TONS of bars...Hell...Kennedy lives there most of the year. :D

Just a thought.

I totally agree with having it in San Diego!!! (well, since I live here :D)

But seriously... there is so much to do. We could organize a chartered tour bus to take us to various places, plus I can offer to drive people around.
unless everyone is willing to have a lot higher registration fee, JC can't afford a bus AND meeting space. :D

if DC or really, anywhere other than vegas... how would we do transportation? if it's on JC, we'd probably have to have some plan set up before we acquire meeting space or we'd have to require everyone get their own transportation...
Just another $5 worth of my $.02

Since I had such a short stay, I really felt like I missed alot, but hopefully next year I'll have more time.

Sitting at the roundtable, I witnessed a group with alot of talent and resources.

We had pilots that have widebody and or international experience.

We had 121 checkpilots

We had owner/operators

We had 135 freight guys

We had professional flight instructors

We had career-changers

We had guys at the beginning of the game

It seems to me that about every base for a major career path is covered, as well as encyclopedic knowledge of aviation from the collective.

The roundtable format, as interesting as it was, seemed like a lot to soak up in such a short time.

I'd prefer some individual topical talks that would involve a presentation on the matter, and then some time for a good Q and A discussion.

Stuff from professionalism (I'll vote calcapt for this one) to an introduction to turbines, or whatever the collective feels would be relevant. And as mentioned earlier, have them interspersed through the weekend so one may pick and choose topics, unless something major (job fair, networking event, I'm shooting hot in craps) is up...

Hopefully I'll see everyone (and more) next year.