Thank you!


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Let me take this opportunity to say "Thank You!" to all of our volunteers!

I'm impressed, amazed by and totally thankful for all of you!

It was a classic example of CRM. A bunch of unanticipated "abnormal" situations popped up, the clock was running out but magically, everyone pulled together, formed a team and helped us pull off the event.

A couple hundred attendees, flowing in over the span of a few hours would have been manageable, but when over 600 arrived, pretty much all at once, our community organized, met the challenge and totally saved our ass!

I learned A LOT over the past few days and without your help, creativity, teamwork and vision of our mission, this event would have sank (sunk?) and hit the bottom of the ocean like the Titanic.

Trust me, there were LOADS of "pop up" thunderstorms and icebergs in the foggy abyss to circumnavigate and our communities team kicked ass. Within minutes, JC members, wives, husbands, lurkers, etc morphed into bouncers, roadies, TicketMasters, facilitators, executioners (in a couple cases), etc. It was truly an amazing feat.

We thank you. Without you guys, the "Failboat Skipper Award" would have gone to Kristie and I.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
absolutely! this would have not been so clean cut if it was the two of us running the show...

I mean for all the work that went down and ALL of the add'l day of show people, we had relatively MINOR issues throughout the event....unbelievable if you ask me...but it's thanks to you guys for helping us stay sane and finding better ways to organize, distribute and keep the ball rolling!! did we haz CRM? yes we haz CRM!! the show was a perfect example of it.

I am already compiling a list for next year...but if you're serious about wanting to do it all over again, I'd be more than happy to have you on board.

In fact, we noticed that the badges didn't work out so well for volunteers, so we're talking about neat tshirt ideas...if you have one, feel free to input! :D

and really, THANK YOU again from the bottom of our massive hearts for helping us...we wouldn't have been such a successful bunch without you!! :D
You guys are so very welcome... it was truly a pleasure.

At the table we had a great time getting the opportunity to educate the aviation community on what is all about. I actually used the back of the NJC T-Shirt as a visual to explain how the website works with it's "Pay It Forward" concept. I talked to so many folks that my voice sounded like a teenager going through puberty by the end of the evening. I hope that didn't affect my talk with Delta seeing as how I was the last one to speak to him. ;)

I'll be there next year... and hoping desperately the wife will be there with me. I'm happy to pre-register for a volunteer slot again too. :)

Thanks again for another great year in Vegas!

This year was pretty amazing! Thanks from both Jess and I for all that went into the event. Between Doug & Kristie, and all the volunteers, it all went extremely smooth from an attendee's point of view!

Thanks again, and I'd be willing to help out with whatever you need for next year. Let me know!
Same as what Bob said, it was truly my pleasure to be able to help out. As I said before, I'm not able to pay it forward by getting someone an aviation job, so helping facilitate a career fair where people can get a job is my individual way of being able to pay it forward.

I would be more than willing to help out again next year since I'm not going to be wandering around looking for a job ;)

You guys put on a great event and I had a wonderful time. I especially enjoyed the NetworkJC party up in the suite. That was pretty bad ass.

For volunteers next year - perhaps bright red or yellow shirts with the ACE logo on the front and "VOLUNTEER" on the back so it's pretty obvious as to who we are.
For volunteers next year - perhaps bright red or yellow shirts with the ACE logo on the front and "VOLUNTEER" on the back so it's pretty obvious as to who we are.

This would work well. Or, you could wear tuxedo t-shirts. It says "I'm formal, but I'm here to party."
I'll be happy to volunteer again. It was my absolute pleasure to help, and I'm at your service in any way for next year.

(There were seriously over 600 attendees?! Holy crap!! That's incredible!)
I would be glad to help out again next year too. I talked to a lot of people about the importance of JC and how the networking doesn't end the day after the career fair.

Thanks again Doug and Kristie. The event was amazing!
I am already compiling a list for next year...but if you're serious about wanting to do it all over again, I'd be more than happy to have you on board.


You already know, but, whatever you need, please feel free to count on me....
All this talk makes missing the event hurt that much more! I'll be willing to do whatever next year because I will NOT miss an opportunity like this, no matter what is in the way.
It was my pleasure to help out. Although, I don't know about aviation I hope I helped enough.

You'd be surprised how often people who "don't know about aviation" keep the aviation world moving. Don't knock yourself. A supportive spouse is one of the best things an aviator could ever hope to have. Mike's a lucky guy. :)
Happy to help out and had a great time too!! Definately count me in for next time for what ever you need!
Doug, as always; I'm there!:hiya: You and Kristie did an awesome job and you have a dedicated group of JC volunteers, ready and willing to help you out for next years event.:)