SWA Ramp Position


Well-Known Member
G'day folks,

I have an upcoming 1 on 1 interview with SWA at LAX for a PT Ramp Agent position and I'm wondering if any of you experienced folks could help us out by providing an insight of what to expect?

This is my first job application in the USA (coming from Aust) so I'm not particularly sure what to expect and the appropriate attire for the interview?

Your help would be appreciated!

Many thanks.
Don't say you're a pilot, or if you do, just say you do it for fun. I probably didn't get it for that reason.
Wow really? I was under the impression that exposure to the ramp environment; albeit as a pilot, would be somewhat beneficial?
Wow really? I was under the impression that exposure to the ramp environment; albeit as a pilot, would be somewhat beneficial?
I think the theory is that if you are looking for a pilot career, you might bail on the line job as soon as you can find something that lets you fly.
Wow really? I was under the impression that exposure to the ramp environment; albeit as a pilot, would be somewhat beneficial?

Welcome to the world of suck you in, give you enough to be moderately happy when you get upset, abuse you, and use you. Stay motivated.

I'm sure SWA isn't horrible, but keep your eye on the prize. People will try to bring you down. That's fine if you just want a job, wife, 2.34 kids, and a garage.

However, take it if you can get it. The exposure will be invaluable to launch your career and understand the behind the scenes perspective and logistics.
Thanks for the input guys. It gives an insight which I never had before.

....go for it, but yes keep it quite. The lower level of the spectrum can have its fair amount of suck, but its not all that bad. Just understand it is not all warm and fuzzy while know who you should speak to your goals about.