Many of them that I know were very junior.......6 mo to a year or so at first major, hopping over to more convenient one, and that was a number of years ago as well. But the guys, like those we used to have, who jumped with significant years of seniority in the last couple years. That would terrify me, personally. If it were on the bow wave of the hiring boom in the mid twenty-teens, that would be one thing, but the last year or so could end up being very different in terms of implications. Top pay scales In the distant future don't put food on the table if you are furloughed, when you could have been flying in the place you came from. That isn't to say that upward/lateral career movements of convenience are bad, but right now, I would feel very wary. I'm sure I'll be wrong, which is a good thing, but that is my gut feeling. That and I've been doing this for a grand total of a year and a half, so please, nobody take my advice.