
This is what annoys me as a Fire/EMS provider who has responded to suicidal people who are "on the ledge". I appreciate the fact that they have something going on in their life, etc; but if they don't come down fairly quickly after being reasoned with, then to me, they're selfishly wasting the time and resources of police/fire/EMS who could be responding to other 911 calls, but are instead tied-up for hours upon hours, trying to reason with someone who won't listen to reason, and oftentimes just wants some attention to their plight. Well, once that attention is given, then react to it and utilize it; otherwise you're now just wasting everyone's time and resources.

That makes a lot of sense to me. Perhaps a dart to the neck and a net below them (kidding, kinda).
Yeah, I left kids out in my post. I was targeting adults/friends. Kids are a different issue. It gets messy there. As Amber said, the parent probably feels like they're doing the kid/s a favor. The only part of suicide that probably does make me mad is the people who kill themselves at home where family (kids included) will find them. I think they should be more like dogs who wander off somewhere to die (but maybe send a letter of explanation).

I think I may have told the story earlier in the thread about my biological great-grandfather who hung himself, and the family/kids found him. I really see both sides of it... yes, it was the height of the Great Depression and I'm sure his stress, anxiety, guilt, emotions were UNBEARABLE (obviously, to take such a drastic action), but his wife & small kids found his body, and I can't imagine how horrible that must have been for THEM too. He left them, in the worst economic state in the history of the country, to fend for themselves. Little kids, abandoned by their dad and affected for life by seeing his swinging body hanging from a rope. But what must have been going through HIS mind.. the horrible, helpless, hopelessness that led him to do that. Nobody wins there... Nobody.

If someone wants to off themselves, that's ultimately their choice. But it's a choice that does leave serious consequences for those left to deal with the aftermath of it.
I lost a very sweet, loving, kind friend of mine this week to suicide. At 25.

Folks. There's help. If you need to reach out, reach out, and nobody will think less of you - and if they do, then they don't matter.
I lost a very sweet, loving, kind friend of mine this week to suicide. At 25.

Folks. There's help. If you need to reach out, reach out, and nobody will think less of you - and if they do, then they don't matter.

Sorry for your loss. :(
I lost a very sweet, loving, kind friend of mine this week to suicide. At 25.

Folks. There's help. If you need to reach out, reach out, and nobody will think less of you - and if they do, then they don't matter.
oh buddy, sorry....I saw what you posted on FB and was wondering. Caring thoughts your way...
Suicide is a very unfortunate event. I had to deal with a friend of mine taking his life just last week. I grew up with this guy and had lost touch after High School. He was so young at 24 and it was a very emotional and painful funeral service, But at the same time it was great to see the community come together for the family after a tragic event such as this.

It is one event that I will never forget and one the I hope I will never have to attend again.
I think the people who call it selfish and get angry about it have ego issues. It becomes about them and how they were made to feel as a result of the suicide. Which is natural, I guess, because most people feel angry (at life, at God, at whatever) when someone they care about dies, but "You're a jerk for killing yourself" is the same as saying, "Your misery is less important than mine. I was happier with you here, even if you hated your life, and now look what you've done to ME."

I think there's a big difference between suicide and euthanasia!
Well, isn't suicide just self-euthanasia?

The ultimate goal is to die yes. But suicide seems more like a way to die like a mental illness/selfish/vengeful dick way to go out. Euthanasia seems more like a more honorable way to self terminate.

Dunno, I could just be skewed. I work in mental health so I deal with failed suicide attempts, or just people talking about it. Or people that will do it if not put on watch all the time.
Speaking of suicide... a friend called me an hour ago. A good friend of ours is at Banner ER, he tried to kill himself by slicing "down the road and not across the street."

Apparently his bf dumped him and kicked him out of the house because he's an alcoholic, and a pathological liar with self harm tendencies. (Didn't know that...) So he tried to emotionally blackmail his now ex boyfriend into not leaving him with a suicide attempt.

Uggghhh, pathetic...
Speaking of suicide... a friend called me an hour ago. A good friend of ours is at Banner ER, he tried to kill himself by slicing "down the road and not across the street."

Apparently his bf dumped him and kicked him out of the house because he's an alcoholic, and a pathological liar with self harm tendencies. (Didn't know that...) So he tried to emotionally blackmail his now ex boyfriend into not leaving him with a suicide attempt.

Uggghhh, pathetic...

Sorry to hear.
The ultimate goal is to die yes. But suicide seems more like a way to die like a mental illness/selfish/vengeful dick way to go out. Euthanasia seems more like a more honorable way to self terminate.

Dunno, I could just be skewed. I work in mental health so I deal with failed suicide attempts, or just people talking about it. Or people that will do it if not put on watch all the time.
It just seems so easy to be judgmental of suicidal people, using words like "selfish" and "vengeful" and "dick."

What if someone just doesn't like their life? Isn't it possible that life simply isn't for everyone? Some have a great time, some don't. It's not a requirement that you want to be alive. Some people just don't enjoy it and would rather not be here, and who's to say what they should do with their own lives?

Coming from another angle, a friend of mine told me about her relative who killed himself in part because he couldn't stand the way people were, that they could be so insanely cruel. Admittedly, I've thought about someday (when I'm very very very old) being on my deathbed and thinking that would be the one thing I wouldn't miss about living - the crap people who did crap things. They, or my awareness of their existence, would be the one thing it would be a pleasure to leave behind.
On June 15, 2012, Trey Malone hosted a block party which resulted in his arrest:

Hard to imagine 5'6" 135 LB Trey Malone "beating" on a police officer. Guess his aspirations for a bright future were now shattered with a criminal record.

Two days later he jumped 190 feet to his death in Tampa Bay.

On November 12, 2012, Trey Malone's suicide note was published, when his family decided to make it public. Trey was an ace student, athlete, musician and valedictorian. All any parent would wish their son or daughter could achieve academically. But as you will read below, outward appearance does not always show what is really going on with one's well-being.

Talk to your kids! Find out what's wrong, and listen!

Editor’s note: We want to open this article with a warning: we are reprinting, in full, the suicide note left by a young man named Trey Malone, who killed himself when he was unable to cope any longer with the sexual assault he had suffered as a student at Amherst College. Trey’s family support the publication of his final words. They have provided the text of the note to us, and we are publishing it with their approval. More importantly, we are publishing it because it was written to educate. He writes to a society that, in the end, couldn’t help him enough. He wanted the things he was saying to be heard, and so, in accordance with that wish, we are publishing his words.

"I suppose, in a lot of ways, this was how it was meant to end. The water tried to take me once and I’m drawn back to this day. Especially on a day like today. There is a certain sense of irony involved in choosing to end my life in the one thing that’s always pushing forward. Even in this awful polluted bay, the water licks the seaweed and barnacle-covered pieces of rock. There’s some tortured metaphor in everything isn’t there? When I was in elementary school, I often wondered if I’d get to be like Dad. I spent hours imagining my own reconstructed version of those stories. Initially, the base of these dreams was King Arthur. Endeared by months spent on that bed reading back and forth with mom, then it turned to Zelda, a black and white Gameboy game. The landmarks of St. Maarten all became transplants from that 2” by 2” screen. By the end of 2nd grade, however, it became your stories dad. All those years reading and imagining developed into that one strong fanciful King Arthur of New York. There is a special level of humility to all those tales. The triumphs and failings of a damaged man, certainly no less broken than the rest of us, but human, none the less. My dreams and hopes have shifted since then, but that base has always been there. King Malone in the Volvo P1800 (with the broken headlights). These days, I’ve become more tired of remembering the past and wondering about the future. I’ve slowly watched that future collapse in on itself whether by my own actions or those of others and now I’m simply tired. My future is rubble and while below that rubble, there is still a foundation, my arms are weak and my tools are broken. My job is gone, relationships strained, and mugshot posted. Entropy is a funny thing I suppose. A house of stone may take a millennia to collapse, but it will collapse. Unfortunately, it would appear the imaginary building blocks of my future were far less sturdy. Even absent that natural collapse, the sexual assault was too much. There was no adequate form of preparation available for that and no repair afterwards. What began as an earnest effort to help on the part of Amherst, became an emotionless hand washing. In those places I should’ve received help, I saw none. I suppose there are many possible reasons for this. But in the end, I’m still here and so too is that night. I hold no ill will nor do I place an iota of blame upon my family. I blame a society that remains unwilling to address sexual assault and rape. One that pays some object form of lip service to the idea of sexual crimes while working its hardest to marginalize its victims. One where the first question a college president can pose to me, regarding my own assault is, “Have you handled your drinking problem?” My story is far from exceptional in this regard. Every two minutes there is another victim. 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail. 1 in every 6 woman in the US has been a victim of rape and 1 in 33 men. Despite this, every awful myth about rape persists. Society will continue to blame women for the clothes they wear (despite hard evidence showing no link) and continue to say, “You shouldn’t have been there” when 73% of rapes are committed by non strangers and more than 50% take place within one mile of the victims home. (4 in 10 take place at their home) Sexual crime is viewed as inconsequential unless the fabled “dark alley with a gun” assault occurs and even then, women face the eternal, “why were you there? What were you wearing?” badgering. To hear men and women speak of our culture as some Feminazi PC nightmare is embarrassing. To act as though we are not to be held accountable for our words and language is even worse. Free speech has never nor will it ever mean immunity from criticism. Words and languages have meaning. If you don’t think what you say or how you phrase it matters, look up Frank Luntz. The next time you carelessly use the N-word or any other derogatory term, the next time you call some man a bitch or a •, try to think about the repercussions of casual slurs. If you’re angry about political correctness or whatever other worthless phrase you feel is necessary, ask yourself why you feel not only entitled to the usage of slurs but compelled to. Read some real freaking feminist literature and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh too. “Feminism is for Everybody” by bell hooks is a good start. Sorry I ranted a bit, but please have someone read the last two paragraphs to whomever comes to say goodbye. I love all of you and I know this will hurt you more than anything else I could have done, but I’m tired and the water looks beautiful. Pithy a statement as it may be, “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” is certainly accurate. I’d take my own advice, but I stopped listening nine months and six days ago. Mom, I’m sure you will blame yourself for any number of things, but I want you to know it is not nor was it ever your fault. If it were not for you, dad, Dan, Callan, and everyone else, I never would have lasted this long. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you. Please go to Costa Rica. You deserve every minute of it. Besides, I hear they pack your lunch for you in heaven. Dad, I imagine this will hit you the hardest . I want you to know that I still have that dream. Even if I’ll never get to see it. Please take care of your health. Callan will need you and so will everyone else. I love you dad. Dan, Sorry about the $300. I’d pay you back if I could. You were right about most of the things you told me and I’m sorry that you’ll have to buy a ticket down as well. Take a break please. Find some way to spend time with everyone. I love you I’m sorry. Callan, What happened over the last week has nothing to do with this, if nothing else, it was one helluva way to end it. Please study and work, You’re every bit as capable as I ever was. You can finish what I couldn’t. Spend the time you need to, please get A’s. I always wanted to name a son after dad and if you could for me, I’d be thankful. You are by no means required or even expected to. Do what you want to. Pet the dog too, she’s very nice. I love you Callan. You’re a beautiful girl and going to be a stunning woman. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. Listen to dad and write down his stories cause I never could. Sheng, Sorry I fell out of touch dude. You’re a great guy and I’m sorry that I’ll miss the parties. Make them count for me and even if it annoys you, try to take some Women and genders study classes. Tell nick I say hey (or bye I guess) as well. I’m not drunk enough to rant about politics right now, sorry. Either way, it meant more than you will ever know that you were such a good friend to me when I got back to Amherst. Nathan- Freshman, you’re far too nice for your own good. No one dude, should be so willing to listen and talk. Sorry that I can’t give you the full story now, but I imagine the police report is funny as hell. Keep reading and do something important. Do me a favor and tell Sara Simonsson that my fake ID came in as well. Everyone else, I’m sorry, my hand is falling off. If we were friends, remember me for at least a week or so. Please listen to what I said about sexual assault. There are millions more just like me that need help and no, someone who is drunk cannot give consent, •ers. Remember me however you’d like. I hope it’s a positive memory. If not, I swear to god I will haunt you. I don’t know how that works, but I figure I’ll have plenty of time to figure it out. Lead a good life, everyone. The water looks beautiful."


- Thomas Francis Malone, III (Trey) December 19, 1991 – June 17, 2012 Trey was born on St. Eustatius, Netherland Antilles. In 1999, he moved with his family to Sarasota, Florida and joined The Out-of-Door Academy community. Trey was the Valedictorian of the ODA class of 2009. An avid musician, he played the violin in the orchestra and in all of the spring musicals. As a varsity athlete, he competed as a member of the Varsity Swimming, Soccer, and Track teams. In 2009, his 4x800m relay placed 8th in the State track meet. He attended Amherst College. He was known for his wit, his intelligence, his ease, his thoughtfulness, and his kindness. For this, he will be missed by all.