Study Hours Per Week

What is covered in basics (actual block titles):

  1. ATC System & NAS
  2. Teamwork in the ATC environment
  3. Airports
  4. Separation
  5. NOTAMs
  6. Fundamentals of RADAR
  7. FAA Orders & Manuals
  8. LOAs & SOPs
  9. Airspace
  10. FARs
  11. FAR part 91
  12. Principles of Flight
  13. Wake Turbulence
  14. Aircraft Characteristics & Recognition
  15. ? not on the CD
  16. Basic navigation
  17. Radio & Satellite navigation
  18. VFR Charts & Publications
  19. En Route IFR Charts
  20. SIDs & STARs
  21. Approaches
  22. Pilot's Environment
  23. Emergencies
  24. Search & Rescue
  25. Fundamentals of Weather & Aviation Weather Services
  26. Hazardous Weather
  27. Current Weather
  28. PIREPs
  29. Forecasts & Advisories
  30. Basic Communications
  31. Stripmarking
  32. ATC Clearances
And you get to learn all of that in exactly 23 days! (not 25 because day 1 is all FAA indoc & day 25 is the final test) Or 21.5 days if you get a snow day like we did.

yo, 16-22 suuuuck. its not that they are hard, its just annoying. and the most annoying part about all of basics is how many times they give you the definition of VFR and IFR. we get it! lol
yo, 16-22 suuuuck. its not that they are hard, its just annoying. and the most annoying part about all of basics is how many times they give you the definition of VFR and IFR. we get it! lol

Stop isn't that bad..... If its that terrible to hear about airways and airspace then you might be in the wrong place...... They just are a dry material and you gotta get through it. The instructors tell you they cannot assign homework or tell you to study on day one because then some dimwit in your class will ask for overtime.....However it is suggested and they encourage EVERYONE to study a little bit in some type of study group. I haven't done any crazy amounts of studying but I haven't not studied either. You can gauge the retention with the ELT's and use those a bit plus looking over your notes briefly......
As far as basics goes, I am certain you can't fail it even if you wanted to. It seems they pipeline every one no matter what and basics is not a pass or fail or your career.

When you get to your actual training its a different story. Some stuff is pass/fail but study wise, I tell you do what your comfortable with. Some guys here study every day like theres no tomorrow and still don't understand things the next day. Others just go out and drink all the time and party. If you are being drilled information for 8 hours a day and you don't pick up any thing and need to study for hours because you didn't pay attention some thing is wrong. You're paid to come to the academy and learn for 8 hours a day so why not take full advantage of it? Either way if you keep your eyes and ears open and listen you will have absolutely no problem. The facility trainining should be harder so save your worries and headaches for there.
yo, 16-22 suuuuck. its not that they are hard, its just annoying. and the most annoying part about all of basics is how many times they give you the definition of VFR and IFR. we get it! lol
We start weather on Monday. I think I'm gonna miss 16-22. But no more night shift! At least until we get across the street.
Block 15 used to be Military Operations and Interoperability.......It was removed by the FAA supposedly because we didn't need to know that vital information or some reason like that according to one of my instructors.
yo, 16-22 suuuuck. its not that they are hard, its just annoying. and the most annoying part about all of basics is how many times they give you the definition of VFR and IFR. we get it! lol

But do you really understand what VFR and IFR are?? Can I be VMC on a IFR Flight Plan, or do I have to be IMC on a IFR Flight Plan. Can you be IMC on a VFR FLight Plan? Backup Do you even know what IMC and VMC are? What's DVFR really do for a Pilot? OR Special VFR?
Sometimes it gets confusing for people whom have never been near or in an airplane!
VFR - visual flight rules: has 3 seperate meanings. It can be in reference to flight plan, weather or just rules in general
IFR - instrument flight rules
VMC on an IFR flight plan - yes
IMC on an IFR flight plan - yes - that is the point of it
IMC on a VFR flight plan - no you cannot
IMC : instrument meterological conditions
VMC : visual meterological conditions
DVFR: it makes sure you aren't shot down out of the sky when entering the country from an international/crossing border flight

Haven't even received ppl lessons or taken basic!! :) I have however studied MANY hours in quizzing my husband before he receive his ppl and listened to even more hours of flight talk among the family of pilots :)
VFR - visual flight rules: has 3 seperate meanings. It can be in reference to flight plan, weather or just rules in general
IFR - instrument flight rules
VMC on an IFR flight plan - yes
IMC on an IFR flight plan - yes - that is the point of it
IMC on a VFR flight plan - no you cannot
IMC : instrument meterological conditions
VMC : visual meterological conditions
DVFR: it makes sure you aren't shot down out of the sky when entering the country from an international/crossing border flight

Haven't even received ppl lessons or taken basic!! :) I have however studied MANY hours in quizzing my husband before he receive his ppl and listened to even more hours of flight talk among the family of pilots :)

lol...why dont you just apply for the job
VFR - visual flight rules: has 3 seperate meanings. It can be in reference to flight plan, weather or just rules in general
IFR - instrument flight rules
VMC on an IFR flight plan - yes
IMC on an IFR flight plan - yes - that is the point of it
IMC on a VFR flight plan - no you cannot
IMC : instrument meterological conditions
VMC : visual meterological conditions
DVFR: it makes sure you aren't shot down out of the sky when entering the country from an international/crossing border flight

Haven't even received ppl lessons or taken basic!! :) I have however studied MANY hours in quizzing my husband before he receive his ppl and listened to even more hours of flight talk among the family of pilots :)

WOW!! :D I'm impressed your not even in the classes. But you still missed one "Special VFR" haha
Oh sorry - special VFR is lower minimums in controlled air space to allow you to get out of the air space. It is an ATC clearance to allow VFR pilots to get out of controlled airspace with lower VFR minimums (meaning they can fly in weather that normally would not be allowed). Lowers the visibility limitations from 3 miles to 1!

Bipp - Right now in my life, my job is a mom!
Oh sorry - special VFR is lower minimums in controlled air space to allow you to get out of the air space. It is an ATC clearance to allow VFR pilots to get out of controlled airspace with lower VFR minimums (meaning they can fly in weather that normally would not be allowed). Lowers the visibility limitations from 3 miles to 1!

Bipp - Right now in my life, my job is a mom!
:laff: lol Good Job!! Moving on to non-radar...:sarcasm:
Oh sorry - special VFR is lower minimums in controlled air space to allow you to get out of the air space. It is an ATC clearance to allow VFR pilots to get out of controlled airspace with lower VFR minimums (meaning they can fly in weather that normally would not be allowed). Lowers the visibility limitations from 3 miles to 1!

Bipp - Right now in my life, my job is a mom!

you forgot to add that ATC can not suggest this to the pilot.. the pilot must request a SVFR
I guess that just proves I would fail out of basic ;)

ahhh, i doubt that would be on the test anyway...

so have you thought about applying after your kids grow up? do you have any interest in ATC at all (as an actual job, not just to post about). just think about that life...two guys would be LOADED. lol
I really want to be able to be a stay-at-home mom until my youngest turns 18 and leaves for college. Even though they can take care of themselves, they are also busy and keep you more busy the older they get. If we don't have anymore children, I will be 43 at that point. I would be too old for ATC.

The biggest reason none of you would ever want to see me as an ATC: Knowledge does NOT equal skill! I don't handle any stress well, I panic. I worrying about worrying :) Listening to plane crash tapes and how cool and collect the ATC are, I KNOW I would be like, "WHAT THE HECK, you are crashing!?!?!?!?! Do you have a parachute? Are there babies on the plane? What about children? Can't you just land safely somewhere?" For some reason I just don't think that would help.

I do enjoy all aviation, not only ATC. I love to memorize different airplanes and what they can do. When we see an airplane in the sky I always try to identify it and I help my children be able to identify them (if I know the plane). I find it all intriguing and I like to learn flight things, but you will never find me getting a pilots license either; the unusual altitudes test would have me spewing and crashing the plane at the same time. I have to take 1/2 a dramamine to go flying in small planes...that is NOT a good thing if you are going to be piloting the plane!
Being an ots trainee and having no background whatsoever in aviation except always wondering what each of the color of the runway lights mean, which by the way is so much more fun to look at now when you are at an airport, the basics class is a breeze if you pay attention, and your not afraid to ask questions when you really don't understand. We had one guy in the class start every question with, i hate to sound stupid but what does @@@@@ mean? The instructors don't think any less of you, they know that you are hearing everything for the first time and it is natural to ask questions about ackronyms, i.e. V-O-R, which is funny because when i was taking the pretest, i thought it meant Visual of Runway, it sounded good and logical. I took the pretest and scored a 41 and after the 5 weeks scored a 97 on the final. In my own experience i got the most information from just paying attention in class and highlighting anything i thought i should focus on to get a better handle of at home, which took me only 15 minutes of studying in my apartment. The rest of this is for the radar people. PHRASEOLOGY PHRASEOLOGY PHRASEOLOGY when working the planes. In the beginning it seems very overwhelming how its possible to have 15 airplanes on the screen and be able to set half of them on the Final Approach Course and vector the other half out your exits. I will say that it is 100 times harder if you also have to worry about if you are saying N12345 10 miles from Woody turn right heading 250, maintain 3000 until established on the localizer, cleared ILS runways 28 right approach. I know if i saw someone typing out that whole clearance last week i would say how am i going to remember that, TRUST ME, you will be saying that at least 30 times in each scenario, 3 to 4 times a day, so it will become second nature. But if you have that phraseology recited in your head and it comes blurting out without a second thought you will be able to focus on DAL411 Heavy that just departed and needs to be climbed and turned towards the exit. My personal opinion is just walk around your apartment and just keep saying everything out loud, not in your head, because when its time to say out loud in class it will sound natural and free flowing. AND DON'T VECTOR THE OVERFLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!.. That may not make sense now, but trust me it will, and there will be a bunch of people in the class that will do it, so have fun with it if you do, but let it be a lesson to not do it on your PV. If anyone has any questions don't hesitate to ask me, since now its all lab scenarios, i have some time to answer emails about the class, pay, apartments, places to go, and some facilities.
Block 15 used to be Military Operations and Interoperability.......It was removed by the FAA supposedly because we didn't need to know that vital information or some reason like that according to one of my instructors.

According to our instructor Block 15 covers Military & Security Sensitive Operations. Since all the material at the academy is "public knowledge/documents" they have removed it from the training. It will all be covered once you get to your facility where the information can be protected.