With the lack of airline loyalty among most mouthbreathers, Id assume consumer demand plays some sort of role in where a company chooses to set their ticket prices. If they want to put butts in seats, they arent going to be offering $600+ RT tickets in a semi terrible economy. They sell them cheap to appease consumer demand and tack on other fees. That is where the airlines are making a lot of their money today along with premium class ticket sales.
It's give and take. Since the overall flying experience at all of the domestics is about the same ("Moooooo! MOOOOOO!"), no one has any real incentive to have allegiance to any carrier. In fact, the way things are now, instead of people swearing to only fly one particular airline, people tend to say that they will NEVER fly a particular airline. Kinda like reverse allegiance. I feel that way about two carriers in particular. Thankfully, two other carriers, AA and SWA, dominate here in STL, so I have that going for me.
I've said this before, and I'll keep saying it: I would gladly pay a reasonable amount more to not feel like a bag of meat when I travel. Not First Class more, but man... there has got to be a middle ground. The disparity between coach prices and First Class for our trip to France last fall could have paid for a nice used car. That's silly.
I don't travel like the average "mouthbreather." When I fly, I am presentable. I'm always in a collared shirt, and almost always in slacks instead of jeans. Dress shoes (slip-ons now, just for convenience at the groping station), sometimes a sport coat. I generally avoid bringing my entire life with me when I travel, and if I do, it gets checked. I try to be as friendly as possible to all of the crew I come in contact with. I've even been tempted to bring coffee and donuts or something to the onboard crew, but not sure how well/if that would go over. I genuinely appreciate the ability to travel long distances quickly. In fact, the flying part of the trip is half the fun for me. I always get the window seat. Always.
I know there are people like me out there. Problem is that most airlines cater to the lowest and the highest common denominator, leaving the middle ground to fend for themselves. I'm in that middle ground, and it sucks. I'm not looking for the Geo Metro of flying, nor am I looking for the Bentley of flying. An Audi or BMW would be nice, but hell, at this point, I'd settle for a nicely loaded Buick.
I want fair and decent wages for pilots and the rest of the crew. I think it absolutely sucks that someone that has sunk around $100,000 into training makes poverty-level wages for the first several years, and won't actually see returns on that investment for quite some time... and given the state of the industry, perhaps never. I think it is absolutely ridiculous the way that seniority works in the airline industry. I'm sure several of you are completely fine with it, but I cannot think of a single other line of work where your experience and time on the job account for zilch when you move to another employer. That's completely stupid, in my humble opinion.
Anyway, now I'm rambling and have taken the thread of topic with my rant. Apologies. It's just frustrating what the industry has become, and not just from the pilot's perspective. Trust me... there ARE people in the back (the so-called mouthbreathers) that want change, that desire to have quality travel, that would gladly support better lives for the crew, and would have no problem paying reasonably more to make that happen.