State of hiring for the mediocre.

I had to change directions. I expect one thing to be constant in aviation, and that's change which requires flexibility. But a few things can not change rapidly, such as training standards and safety protocols. Communication is beyond confusing at NJM.

Today out of nowhere, I get an email stating my first day with NJM will be at FSI getting a type rating, prior to even a meet and greet with anyone at NJM. No indoc, no ops specs, no company orientation, etc. Just show up at FSI for a few weeks to get a type and 135 check before even stepping foot on company property. So I emailed my contact and asked if this is the normal standardized process since this is not something I was expecting and not something I seen in the 121 or 135 world.

I get a response pretty quickly with an apology that I never received my welcome package that will explain everything. And I was assured that the process would be company onboarding followed by Indoc (ops specs, 135 regs, profiles, etc) and only after that would I be going to FSI. I was grateful to see that the standard process since a standard process insures safety and quality and that nothing is missed or rushed in an abnormal way.

Then an email 5 minutes later from another person completely uproots the standard training footprint stating due to circumstances the standard training in my case will not be followed. It will be FSI first for the type and 135 check. Then after that online training and then last indoc. Never any onboarding.

I did not receive the conflicting info well so I terminated my pre-employment process since only a week ago I had a very long conversation about these very concerns; lack of standardization, acquisition integration struggles, internal communication issues, etc. And that was from a lot of strange things occurring with scheduling over the last few weeks and information I uncovered from various sources. So I am back to the conclusion I had before. NJM has a terrific Michigan operation but something has gone seriously astray recently and the expansion into the CJ3 fleet is a real struggle and it will take a special person to be a part of that. For me, it's not the proper employee-employer relationship.

That's the update. I will say, if someone currently flies Part 135 and has a lot of recent hours, this may be a great place for them to get in on the ground floor and truly make NJM a great place over time. But for me, a person who only flown 55 hours in the last 6 years (Part 91 in a DA40), this is not the place for me to make entry safely and confidently as a Part 135 CJ3 Captain. I am confident in a standardized process I would excel, but coming off from my extended aviation absence I do not feel this hap-hazard approach is the right fit for me. So, decision made. Not the right fit for me at this time.

So, that's half the story.... other half of the story will come soon since as I was emailing my pre-employment termination letter, the phone rang with something that is the right fit if it actually happens.
Really sad to hear all of that. From your description I fully agree with your decision to bail out of that situation - hiring should not happen that way. I hope the combined operation gets its collective • together.

Makes me sad to see these growing pains.
It's not really too adnormal to go to initial before indoc in the 135 world. Sim slots are tight these days at all the big box schools. There is over a year wait for initial in some airframes. Typically when I've run into situations like this, I ask the company for a minimum of checklist and flows. I'd get GOM/FOM/Op Specs when I get to INDOC. None of that really matters with Sim training.
I don’t know who NJM is, but it sounds like a standard 135. All most of them care about is the type rating. Indoc is an afterthought and doesn’t matter anyway cause they’ll likely try and get to operate outside the GOM.

Just me, but I wouldn’t entertain any 135 offers to begin with….unless they’re all you have and you reeeeally wanna fly 🤷‍♂️
Ready for the final chapter of the NJM saga. It's Norhern Jets for those who don't know the acronym I been using. Formally known as both Northern Jet Management (Michigan) and Speedbird (Florida).; Great company in Michigan that is just going through very ugly growing pains after combining with Speedbird. I hope they turn it back into something great. That said. The rest of the saga ....

PSA called me a few hours after me sending my "no go" email to NJM. They said, can you show up ASAP. We had someone drop out of Indoc! Since I worked there prior (twice), they immediately offered me to get up there ASAP and brought me in at 7 years longevity for pay and benefits as an Experienced FO (180 per hour, 3 weeks vacation, etc). They could not bring me in as Capt due to the "hiring freeze". So back to the old employer I go in 24 hours from now. Only difference, zero seniority and having to deal with what I been told is a terrible PBS roll out for bidding.

Yes. The only thing constant in aviaiton is change! And I have not got that first check yet. So who knows. I can show up and be told things changed again!
Ready for the final chapter of the NJM saga. It's Norhern Jets for those who don't know the acronym I been using. Formally known as both Northern Jet Management (Michigan) and Speedbird (Florida).; Great company in Michigan that is just going through very ugly growing pains after combining with Speedbird. I hope they turn it back into something great. That said. The rest of the saga ....

PSA called me a few hours after me sending my "no go" email to NJM. They said, can you show up ASAP. We had someone drop out of Indoc! Since I worked there prior (twice), they immediately offered me to get up there ASAP and brought me in at 7 years longevity for pay and benefits as an Experienced FO (180 per hour, 3 weeks vacation, etc). They could not bring me in as Capt due to the "hiring freeze". So back to the old employer I go in 24 hours from now. Only difference, zero seniority and having to deal with what I been told is a terrible PBS roll out for bidding.

Yes. The only thing constant in aviaiton is change! And I have not got that first check yet. So who knows. I can show up and be told things changed again!
Just out of curiosity, how long do they keep you in DAY now for indoc and all that? When I went through in '08 it was four and a half weeks. All at the lovely Dayton Airport hotel. Which is now a parking lot.
Ready for the final chapter of the NJM saga. It's Norhern Jets for those who don't know the acronym I been using. Formally known as both Northern Jet Management (Michigan) and Speedbird (Florida).; Great company in Michigan that is just going through very ugly growing pains after combining with Speedbird. I hope they turn it back into something great. That said. The rest of the saga ....

PSA called me a few hours after me sending my "no go" email to NJM. They said, can you show up ASAP. We had someone drop out of Indoc! Since I worked there prior (twice), they immediately offered me to get up there ASAP and brought me in at 7 years longevity for pay and benefits as an Experienced FO (180 per hour, 3 weeks vacation, etc). They could not bring me in as Capt due to the "hiring freeze". So back to the old employer I go in 24 hours from now. Only difference, zero seniority and having to deal with what I been told is a terrible PBS roll out for bidding.

Yes. The only thing constant in aviaiton is change! And I have not got that first check yet. So who knows. I can show up and be told things changed again!
Way to roll with the punches, and best of luck moving forward!
Ready for the final chapter of the NJM saga. It's Norhern Jets for those who don't know the acronym I been using. Formally known as both Northern Jet Management (Michigan) and Speedbird (Florida).; Great company in Michigan that is just going through very ugly growing pains after combining with Speedbird. I hope they turn it back into something great. That said. The rest of the saga ....

PSA called me a few hours after me sending my "no go" email to NJM. They said, can you show up ASAP. We had someone drop out of Indoc! Since I worked there prior (twice), they immediately offered me to get up there ASAP and brought me in at 7 years longevity for pay and benefits as an Experienced FO (180 per hour, 3 weeks vacation, etc). They could not bring me in as Capt due to the "hiring freeze". So back to the old employer I go in 24 hours from now. Only difference, zero seniority and having to deal with what I been told is a terrible PBS roll out for bidding.

Yes. The only thing constant in aviaiton is change! And I have not got that first check yet. So who knows. I can show up and be told things changed again!
Many people woudn't have the courage to turn down a job when the red flags start flying. Good job. Taking a job is a two way street so if it doesn't work for both parties, you shouldn't be there. I'm happy that you immediately got another opportunity that works for you. I'm not sure what your beliefs are, but for me that shows God in action. I hope everything works out for you.
Just out of curiosity, how long do they keep you in DAY now for indoc and all that? When I went through in '08 it was four and a half weeks. All at the lovely Dayton Airport hotel. Which is now a parking lot.
First 2 weeks in DAY, then all else is now in CLT. Was told future classes will all be in CLT. Seems like PSA is pulling out of DAY slowly (my opinion)
Many people woudn't have the courage to turn down a job when the red flags start flying. Good job. Taking a job is a two way street so if it doesn't work for both parties, you shouldn't be there. I'm happy that you immediately got another opportunity that works for you. I'm not sure what your beliefs are, but for me that shows God in action. I hope everything works out for you.
I am Catholic and been praying a lot for guidance the last 3 weeks, which is rare as I normally pray for others. Oddly in prayer all guidance seemed to point to Northern Jet, but then reality showed me a different direction. So it may just have been God's way. It's always a test it seems. :)
Well hell, that must be where I went wrong.

Don't you know if you just pray to the right god a little bit harder, everything works out?

(@TexasFlyer this isn't a knock on your belief system at all. If it works for you and has helped you get to a good place in the industry again (although me saying "PSA" and "good place" in the same sentence is kind of hard) that's great.)
I feel like my entire career was divinely inspired. No way the crazy way things worked out could have just happened by chance.

I’m happily agnostic, but the closest thing I have to doubt is that as soon as a friend/coworker passed away from jaw cancer my career finally began to progress in ways I’d never imagined.
Yes. The only thing constant in aviaiton is change! And I have not got that first check yet. So who knows. I can show up and be told things changed again!

Congrats! Part of me is wondering that since you were never gonna be onboarded at "NJM" if you could have just shown up, got the type, and walked out. Be the hero for everyone who is going to have to sign some sort of "training contract" for the next X number of years.

I think that you are going to be in a great position to either move up when things get better at PSA or jump to the next stage of your career.