Something big happening at Southwest...

SWAPA thinking it's condolences on LinkedIN are helpful when most corporate employees see massive pilot pay raises as the reason for it.
Yeah, definitely an awkward situation. It was a negotiation between the union and management where management would have been thinking about this day in the background.

Right now would be a good time for action to speak louder than condolences. “We need many of these people to operate.”

At least the front didn't fall off...

This was a legendary reference. I hope most folks got this, but if not, I'm posting the relevant clip and one additional. These guys are (were?) legendary.



All depends how their position is defined with regards to part 119

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This. In many cases, the Director of Safety is a middle-management position reporting into a Senior Director of Safety, VP of Safety or Ops, etc. Not the same as the 119 (though in some cases they can be the same).
“Chief Transformation Officer” (nee Chief Marketing Officer) Ryan Green resigned from SWA today.

Bob Jordan still keeps his job while the agreement with Elliott is allowed to grow from a 15% share of the company to 20% as of today.

We don’t kink-shame here and I feel a little dirty using the loaded word, but that dude has been cucked.
Yeah. I do cringe a lot when I hear pilots bitch about money…there’s a weird tone deafness in this business about money where a lot of folks don’t seem to realize it’s really, really rude to talk about money in mixed company.
But pilots have multiple opportunities that are mandated by rules/law to lose their job every 6 months plus training events, competency checks, etc. The smart thing for SWAPA to do would be to counteract that with placing the blame on the C suite - where it belongs.

OAK, currently the largest California station, lost ALL BUT 3 ramp managers (they had like 10...). For an operation that size, all those gates and tows...even 10 felt light on busy days when only a few were on shift. Only ramp sups, mechanics, and ramp managers can brake ride and WN does tail swaps way more aggressively than other carriers. Lots of "But we JUST towed it off that gate and THIS one onto that gate!". With "bags fly free" leading to 200-275 bags on a lot of -800 flights (a Delta 767 transcon usually has similar if full) can see why the more managers on duty the better. And it's a $150k+ job that requires a lot of special expertise since (at least in the past), WN actually LISTENED to managers about what their department needed. Even by 2021 when I was there, that was changing.

That is not the crazy part.

They eliminated their OAK (and elsewhere) command centers in favor of some centralized thing...that will manage gates, coordinate between departments, run air to ground radios with crews and airport ramp/cs comms with Ramp Sups coordinating. It was just as busy as the United SFO Station Ops Center (SOC)...

This has DOGE written all over it. Behind the competition, so let's be SMARTER than them and eliminate these station hub center things these idiotic boomer legacy airlines think they need.

Axe managers (and future aspirations for those positions) in vital roles, destroy morale, eliminate resources, 1, 2, 3...SYNERGIES!
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Sadly I don’t think WN is going to be the only carrier doing this. No better time than now to find a marketable skill outside of aviation for non con employees.

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Sadly I don’t think WN is going to be the only carrier doing this. No better time than now to find a marketable skill outside of aviation for non con employees.

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Of course. Rather than leveraging WN’s shooting themselves in the foot, competitors will try to do the same thing to boost the bottom line, and customers and employees will suffer for it. The whole capitalistic idea of competition driving better service and prices stops working when all the competitors in a field follow eachother down these spirals, as we’ve seen happen in countless industries. It’s almost like an economic system laser focused on short term profits has a fundamental flaw…
Of course. Rather than leveraging WN’s shooting themselves in the foot, competitors will try to do the same thing to boost the bottom line, and customers and employees will suffer for it. The whole capitalistic idea of competition driving better service and prices stops working when all the competitors in a field follow eachother down these spirals, as we’ve seen happen in countless industries. It’s almost like an economic system laser focused on short term profits has a fundamental flaw…
Idk, I still HIGHLY doubt that the big 3 will be in any hurry to dismantle their station ops centers/ramp towers that do the WN Command Center functions.

I'm fairly confident that ramp supervisors doing gates with DAL assistance at...OAK...will not work as planned and will cost the company money quickly. And often.

Maybe if these finance bros spent 2 minutes in a Southwest 737 being repositioned in Oakland with a JBL speaker hanging out the window, they'd have a little less faith in these guys ability (or desire) to take on this role. Especially now that their "future" cake job dissappeared.

SFO ramp sups were in charge of 6 gates and it was such a disaster haha
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Idk, I still HIGHLY doubt that the big 3 will be in any hurry to dismantle their station ops centers/ramp towers that do the WN Command Center functions.

I'm fairly confident that ramp supervisors doing gates with DAL assistance at...OAK...will not work as planned and will cost the company money quickly. And often.

Yeah I can’t really see how “remote” ramp/ops tower coordination would really work in practice. You lose so much situational awareness by being removed from the physical operation

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Idk, I still HIGHLY doubt that the big 3 will be in any hurry to dismantle their station ops centers/ramp towers that do the WN Command Center functions.

I'm fairly confident that ramp supervisors doing gates with DAL assistance at...OAK...will not work as planned and will cost the company money quickly. And often.

Maybe if these finance bros spent 2 minutes in a Southwest 737 being repositioned in Oakland with a JBL speaker hanging out the window, they'd have a little less faith in these guys ability (or desire) to take on this role. Especially now that their "future" cake job dissappeared.

SFO ramp sups were in charge of 6 gates and it was such a disaster haha
I hope so
That’s when I got started with my pilot career: 2004.

I wouldn’t recommend it at all to someone in their late 40s considering the reality of the seniority system and QOL.

If it is really that bad, happy to help you get into my old line of work. It has no seniority (they might give you a few extra days off after 10 years), and QOL is not a concept that really exists. If you said something like "Work/Life Balance," you could get fired for that. Yes, that was actually a policy.
If it is really that bad, happy to help you get into my old line of work. It has no seniority (they might give you a few extra days off after 10 years), and QOL is not a concept that really exists. If you said something like "Work/Life Balance," you could get fired for that. Yes, that was actually a policy.

Well as demonstrated if I say work life balance here I get mobbed by the same 3 clowns on 4 different social media platforms. If it weren’t for Union protection I’m sure they’d all be tried to get me fired as well. Hell they probably already have.