Something big happening at Southwest...

Gotta say - I was able to spend two separate evenings and a lunch with Herb (we both hit the smoking area at the events we were at, and the lunch was just lunch). I didn't know him beyond him knowing my name when he saw me and I don't claim anything more than friendly acquaintanceship. Colleen Barrett was a friend - we served on a non-profit Board together for a number of years. She was an absolute gem of a human. They built a great airline from scratch - I wonder how they would have managed things like the growth, the AirTran merger and the challenges that have occurred since they stepped down?

But anytime I see anything negative or rumor mill'ish about SWA, particularly since the "activist investor" turmoil, I immediately think of @ZapBrannigan - given his history which he has shared in an effort to help educate the kiddos. Him landing at his dream gig SWA was a JC highlight for me - so keep Zap in mind (older users that know his backstory) when you see anything about SWA.
All companies have a lifecycle, from plucky garage startup to zombie company that is an empty shell used only to dispose of real estate or manage logo IP.

It is the way of things for publicly traded companies, it seems. Private and/or generationally held/managed companies seem to evade this cycle.
All 4 people I know at DAL HQ (not counting a dispatcher) got laid off. Totally different positions. One of them was there 14 years and director of safety & training for the whole damn airline. Wow.

2 of them were just promoted and moved to DAL in the last year. And already eliminating the positions entirely.

I'd call that pretty big news for the airline that basically doesn't lay people off.
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They are not giving any options for these folks to go to airport jobs, move around HQ, nothing. Just gone, get out.

Apparently almost all safety related roles that were not directly related to crews and flying were cleaned out. "Consolidation". Uh, WHAT?
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Apparently SMF WN was told "Yes, we're going to lay off airport workers soon. Yes, we are STILL going to continue with adding flights and gates and turning SMF into our biggest California station; just with less employees".

I'd imagine other airports were told similar. Layoffs AND expansion. What the Southwest finna Braniff/Eastern?
Apparently SMF WN was told "Yes, we're going to lay off airport workers soon. Yes, we are STILL going to continue with adding flights and gates and turning SMF into our biggest California station; just with less employees".

I'd imagine other airports were told similar. Layoffs AND expansion. What the Southwest finna Braniff/Eastern?
Corporate America man…

Don’t they already rely on frontline employees working absurd amounts of OT to make things happen?
Gotta say - I was able to spend two separate evenings and a lunch with Herb (we both hit the smoking area at the events we were at, and the lunch was just lunch). I didn't know him beyond him knowing my name when he saw me and I don't claim anything more than friendly acquaintanceship. Colleen Barrett was a friend - we served on a non-profit Board together for a number of years. She was an absolute gem of a human. They built a great airline from scratch - I wonder how they would have managed things like the growth, the AirTran merger and the challenges that have occurred since they stepped down?

But anytime I see anything negative or rumor mill'ish about SWA, particularly since the "activist investor" turmoil, I immediately think of @ZapBrannigan - given his history which he has shared in an effort to help educate the kiddos. Him landing at his dream gig SWA was a JC highlight for me - so keep Zap in mind (older users that know his backstory) when you see anything about SWA.

I only hope SWA does really great so @ZapBrannigan can finally be done paying his dues.

Lawd knows he deserves it.