Someday I wish I could be this awesome

Looks like we may have found that guy that no one likes to fly with in LAX. The guy who likes to talk 3/4 of the flight but ends up talking at you and about himself. Every airline has one in every base. I also may be completely wrong and he’s awesome to be around 🤷‍♂️.
I flew with someone like that for 2 months straight earlier this year. There were times I contemplated falling down the crew stairs and going out with a OJI for the rest of the bid period 😫.

I can't imagine what flying multiple trips with the same person is like. I've flown a second trip with exactly two CA's, and they were great both times, but I feel like with rare exception, I've reached the "end of the internet" by the end of a 3 or 4 day with most people. Can probably count on one hand how many I've still got a lot to talk about with on go-home day.
I flew with someone like that for 2 months straight earlier this year. There were times I contemplated falling down the crew stairs and going out with a OJI for the rest of the bid period 😫.

One awesome part about this job is that we can control the volume of our coworkers. I’ve learned that people like that generally aren’t talking WITH you but AT you. Turn the intercom volume down and throw out the occasional “that’s crazy.”
I can't imagine what flying multiple trips with the same person is like. I've flown a second trip with exactly two CA's, and they were great both times, but I feel like with rare exception, I've reached the "end of the internet" by the end of a 3 or 4 day with most people. Can probably count on one hand how many I've still got a lot to talk about with on go-home day.

That’s actually one of the things that I love about Air Beachball. It’s rare for us to even fly two legs with the same crew.
I don't have a problem with this though, or I don't really find it awkward at all. Part of "vibing" with someone for me is both knowing when to enjoy the silence after you've run out of stuff to talk about.
"It's a quiet night. How about keeping it that way?"
Enough about ME let’s talk about you….how do you feel about ME!

I used to fly pretty frequently with a (long since retired) captain who would say, "hey, I really want your opinion on this..." and then give his opinion for 45 minutes (which is impressive when our average stage length was 25 minutes) and then get bored with the topic and move on to something else before I'd ever get a chance to say anything.
These guys are usually pretty easy to squelch. Just start talking about the relative merits of the Donnager class MCRN battle cruiser over the UNN Truman class, or ask who their favorite “Doctor” is.

Usually that puts them into a jock “NEEERRRRDDDD!” rage that locks them up for the rest of the trip.

Silenced achieved is golden indeed.
I don't have a problem with this though, or I don't really find it awkward at all. Part of "vibing" with someone for me is both knowing when to enjoy the silence after you've run out of stuff to talk about.

For sure. I guess for me, if the go home is a 5+ hr transcon into the evening hours, its sometimes kinda nice when the person is a good conversationalist. Just keeps me busy and makes the time go by faster. But I certainly don't expect that. Like I said, this has really only been true with a small handful of folks I have flown with.