Someday I wish I could be this awesome

Damn, I retired too early! Between having my own playing card and doing shirtless “aviation” YouTube Vlogs about how awesome I am….well, I could’ve been my own real life hero! 🤢

That reminds me…I need to go update my “I love me” wall.🤔
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It should be "Airbus A320, not "Airbus 320." All of this -- the card, the expectation of being celebrated, the typo -- affirms my notions about you brown shoes.

edit: Unless this was handed-out by someone else, and the deck also has cards for cabin crew, line techs, dispatchers &c, and all the other people that it takes to make a flight happen.
I hope to Christ that someone made that card about their arch enemy and not themselves.

I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy.

There are few people in this business that I have a VERY low opinion off, but I still wouldn't make such a low blow. Not even Dan Gryder.
My guess is, he feels he's accomplished alot. He gets very little recognition "just" being a number at AA so he found a way to break himself away from the average line guy. Some people, myself including, love and thrive being a number, for some it's gut wrenching.

Lies. There’s just no one to hand your cards to…. 😂