Some pointers from a friend that worked WAI

How much weight is put on traffic violations and other tickets? I have probably 5 traffic violations and 1 misdemeanor that I was able to do community service for a not guilty ruling
How much weight is put on traffic violations and other tickets? I have probably 5 traffic violations and 1 misdemeanor that I was able to do community service for a not guilty ruling

It should not be a huge issue. What they will be looking for are patterns like you received the same violation year after year. Another will be if they are recent or if you did them as a teenager.
How much weight is put on traffic violations and other tickets? I have probably 5 traffic violations and 1 misdemeanor that I was able to do community service for a not guilty ruling

Remember it's not a matter of what you did, it's a matter of disclosure.

* I hear
I was one of the guys that 'breezed' through training... but I can see how the Mil guys and Corporate guys have trouble. (I also studied nightly... flows, procedures, profiles, systems... I didn't partake of the nightly free offerings of the Stankbridge like some of my classmates - my sim partner and I were very serious during initial.)

The 'footprint' for lack of a better term really isn't designed for someone who doesn't have the prior 121 experience. Even though I had a 121 and 1/2 gig - night freight to mexico and charter - gig inbetween the regionals and B6, I knew exactly what to expect during training each time I went to the schoolhouse. I knew what was 'important' and what wasn't - and it was my previous fire hose experiences that trained me up for it. The owl in my class ran a nightly seminar for the corp and mil people in my class because of the lack of preparatory material. When I upgraded... my sim partner (mil guy) could fly rings around the plane... but the cadence of everything else threw him for a loop.

In both worlds it's a different methodology and I don't know a good solution - that doesn't cost money and time. It's also hard to give feedback because you don't know what you don't know when you get out as you are new... and you are trying to drink from the firehose in all aspects of your new employment.

I guess it was the whole 2000 hours thing... that set off all my bells and CRC's.

The thing is that total time doesn't have much correlation to anything, despite what people think. It's easy to calculate, and that's about it.
Hey guys, Airline Apps question. For my airline I work in the training department as an FTD Instructor. Airline Apps asks if you were ever a FAA approved Program examiner. I conduct the procedures validation for New Hires, Transitions, and Captain upgrades. I can't find much information regarding whether I should check yes or no to this question.
Virgin America flight attendant (0 time) to Delta Air Lines First Officer in 4 yrs. That's not even Tier 1, that's one step higher elite Tier Gold status. :D
5 years or less is preferred, but again, it's part of your story.

If you took 6 because you were a single father or had some other "cool story bro" stories, it's a positive.

I have a BA (non-aviation) and a BS (aviation)... I took 4 years to finish the first one out of high school. After military service, I took 3 years to finish the next one. Airline Apps asks for "years of college." Does entering "7" make me look like a dunce, or are the specific attendance dates for each college/university what is reviewed?

No, because a human is going to see two degrees. Remember a person reads the application and tries to form a mental picture of your actual story.
So what algorithm triggers the review when....


It's how many points your cake gets when you submit your application.

I have a BA (non-aviation) and a BS (aviation)... I took 4 years to finish the first one out of high school. After military service, I took 3 years to finish the next one. Airline Apps asks for "years of college." Does entering "7" make me look like a dunce, or are the specific attendance dates for each college/university what is reviewed?

I'm going to channel @Derg and say "most literal interpretation". A friend of mine shows 6 because he took college classes in high school. Hasn't hurt or helped him AFAIK so who knows.
Don't be this guy, starting at 9:12.....

" I don't really want to fly for an airline. I mean I have an app in at Delta. But I don't update it often. It's not that I wouldn't work there.... "