Smartphones & GroupMe app


Mama Bear....
Staff member
How many of you have smartphones you'll be using while in Vegas?

Can you get the GroupMe app? We're thinking of using that as a resource for all attendees to be able to find others anywhere on the strip or in a location near you :)
I have a group set up under the name NetworkJC...

I'll put up a link to it on my twitter page (kristiemtaylor) and facebook.
I could be wrong, but it looks like the groups are individual to the user, meaning I'd have to set up my own NJC group on my device and populate it with my own contacts.

If that's the case it may not be as useful as originally intended.

Could a NJC '11 Facebook page be a better idea? If everyone subscribes to the group can the FB app be setup to send push notifications upon an update?

Twitter is a possibility as well, but then only one person could send updates.

Bottom line is we need an app that allows one to subscribe to something, then receive updates from any one subscriber to that something. If GroupMe can do that imi all ears. If something else can do that I'm all ears as well.
The groups are individual to the user who creates it. In this case the NJC group was created by Kristie and several of us are already members.
Well, I click on Kristie's link, it asks me to log in, but then there's no indication that I'm a member of any group.
I know...but i'm thinking if you reply to the question, then i can grab you and add you to the group...but i won't know until we can test it and see if it'll really work that way :)

Well, can you try through twitter or facebook? My twitter is kristiemtaylor...there should be a question i posed in groupme with a link tht *should* (should) work?!

of course, i'm pretty sure you'll have to create a login on the app...