Skywest Question


Well-Known Member
I noticed on their website and a few aviation job websites they had open their windown again. Had a lot to do with gaining flying for DAL/NWA on the West Coast. I was wondering if anyone knew one way or another. I have a call into a buddy who is a top CA in ORD but we have not been able to connect on the phone. Anyways if anyone has any information I'd greatly appreciate it.
Skywest employee I sat to last night said they were all praying to God Mesa dropped out so they didn't have to furlough (flight and cabin crew are heavy). I'm betting Mesa is thinking the same thing about Skywest.

I don't know who will be hiring next but it won't be Mesaba either.
I don't think anyone on the line has any definitive information beyond the fact we are accepting applications. (No interviews.) Last week I talked to one of our guys in the training department and they did not have any knowledge with regard to hiring in the near future.
With furloughs it is hard to say. Some stuff I have heard lately suggests no. I hope that is the case.
Skywest employee I sat to last night said they were all praying to God Mesa dropped out so they didn't have to furlough (flight and cabin crew are heavy). I'm betting Mesa is thinking the same thing about Skywest.'s a bit#h.
Anyone that says they know for sure what the future of the DCI carriers is should either start investing their time in buying stocks (since they've obviously got psychic powers) or they're lying. I've heard every rumor in the world about Delta west coast flying, but it wouldn't honestly surprise me if it doesn't happen period until the economy rebounds. Even then, I'm HOPING it's mainline that does it.