SkyWest flight attendants’ clash delays trip by two hours

I mean to @Murdoughnut point. There are an awful lot of those kinds of vids where you see the person vs the event. It’s all for clout and followers. The “social media economy” you need a following, sometimes either filming events or creating them is a way to do it. It’s enabled. My .02

There are people on this very forum and others who claim if you don’t have a social media presence, there’s something sociopathic about you, and they wouldn’t hire you.

I’d bet cash money (if anyone still takes cash) those kinds of judgements in hiring are way more common than you’d think.

There are people on this very forum and others who claim if you don’t have a social media presence, there’s something sociopathic about you, and they wouldn’t hire you.

I’d bet cash money (if anyone still takes cash) those kinds of judgements in hiring are way more common than you’d think.


Interesting (maybe) and a bit of a derail, I suppose. The buying of things in my area is changing. Stores and restaurants are now either offering a modest discount for cash payments AND/OR a "service fee" if payment is made with the use of a credit card. It is a practice which here, at least, began fairly recently but is becoming VERY common across the board (my personal experience has been at my pharmacy, liquor store and several restaurants). None of them are national chains (but I will be interested to see if those also begin to embrace the concept). I'm guessing the local business people simply got tired of paying the bank fees on behalf of those who prefer the use of credit.

I've paid cash for years (in fact don't even have a credit card) and applaud the concept, personally.
42 seems to the age where I've finally started to feel detached from the generations to come. There are plenty of times where my 10 year olds want to grab my phone to get a picture or video of something and I have to tell them "why don't you just enjoy it with your eyes?"

if we ever get into a war again where we have our own personnel getting captured and turned into POWs, all the enemy has to do is threaten to take away their cellphone and put them in solitary confinement, and that would be a torture to them that would make waterboarding look like a fun time.
if we ever get into a war again where we have our own personnel getting captured and turned into POWs, all the enemy has to do is threaten to take away their cellphone and put them in solitary confinement, and that would be a torture to them that would make waterboarding look like a fun time.

Just out of curiosity, was does old guard USAF think of all of these pilots posting videos everywhere? I seem to see a lot of them on my FB feed. Are our guys/gals going to get shot down because they were too busy making duck lips? :)
Just out of curiosity, was does old guard USAF think of all of these pilots posting videos everywhere? I seem to see a lot of them on my FB feed. Are our guys/gals going to get shot down because they were too busy making duck lips? :)

back in the day, any kind of cameras and such were verboten in the cockpit. Unless they were an issued camera for reconnaissance purposes.

There is a Feb 1970 Cessna T-37 Tweet accident that occurred with a Williams AFB-based Tweet along the Gila River east of Florence, AZ. Solo student was RTB from the MOA practice area and had decided to descend down low level and fly the Gila River westbound and in between two tall mountain hills called North Butte and South Butte, about 8 miles east of Florence. North Butte has a train track that runs through a tunnel that was cut through the butte, as the tracks parallel the east/west river on the north side. Student had brought an 8mm camera with him. During the low pass down the river and between the Buttes, he impacted North Butte on the southwestern side, crashing into the ground on the western side. His body was found in the wreckage with the 8mm camera shoved through the front of his helmet and buried in his skull. The wreckage of Tweet still sits there where it impacted 53 years ago.
His body was found in the wreckage with the 8mm camera shoved through the front of his helmet and buried in his skull. The wreckage of Tweet still sits there where it impacted 53 years ago.
And that's where the word Selfie came from.
34 yrs of relatively blissful flying never having to worry about all the drama in the back which is getting worse each year. Thank God for unanswered prayers! Ahhhhh… back to enjoying my retirement.

And when I read some of the posts on this and other forums of people thinking of leaving my particular carrier, I look at incidents like this.

"Blah, blah, blah, night hub turns, blah, blah, blah, not what I expected.", etc.

Yes, the particular contract I work under needs improvements, and I believe we will achieve them and yes, current management may be short-sighted and letting an activist firm pull them around by the short and curlies, but it's only temporary. After just over a year, I wouldn't trade what I left and Tempe's Lil' Napoleon for anything!
I've paid cash for years (in fact don't even have a credit card) and applaud the concept, personally.

I guess I don't agree or disagree with your mentality here, but I do wonder if the aversion to card from a lot of you (stately) elder folk was because of the introduction of credit cards? I've had and used a debit card since I was maybe in middle school, and I have never viewed it any differently that using cash, aside from it being less annoying to deal with. Granted, there is a difference from a vendor perspective, since there is still a fee associated in some cases. I just haven't really noticed that part much until very recently, most commonly at the pump.
I guess I don't agree or disagree with your mentality here, but I do wonder if the aversion to card from a lot of you (stately) elder folk was because of the introduction of credit cards? I've had and used a debit card since I was maybe in middle school, and I have never viewed it any differently that using cash, aside from it being less annoying to deal with. Granted, there is a difference from a vendor perspective, since there is still a fee associated in some cases. I just haven't really noticed that part much until very recently, most commonly at the pump.

Had several credit cards for years and used 'em but not for a decade or more now. Rarely a PITA but certainly occasionally is (rental cars, for example). I'm happy to pay a bit less at different places now by using cash (generally, in my area, now no 3.75% additional "credit fee" plus an additional 3-5% discount for paying cash).

As noted, so far these are local businesses rather than national chains and I've only noted the new trend at the places I frequent - generally being surprised still to find notice of same. I assume businesses got tired of carrying the bank fee for use of consumer credit and would prefer to at least cover that in their ledgers. The additional discount for cash use must certainly be an incentive to regain that once-normal method and maybe won't be long-lasting, IDK.

Anyway, no particular aversion to credit cards historically here; I surely don't mind the savings and using cash has worked for me. BTW, I do have a debit card used for the couple bills I pay online or the very occasional online ordering I do. And just to stir the pot a bit (reference the "tipping" thread) I find the waitstaff at restaurants and occasionally a regular vendor who comes to my home as needed (for example, fuel oil delivery) appreciate being handed a tip in cash, along with a personal "thank you."
@Bob Ridpath I think you hit on my point. Debit card (what you generally see when I get a card out of my wallet) =/= credit card. I.e. I'm spending real money I have, not future money I don't have. Just my .02. I have only recently started to carry cash for van driver tips with the airline gig, and let me tell you, it is an unending PIA to find a place where I can get $1's reliably.......or at least a place that doesn't say "just so you know, we aren't supposed to be doing this, but this one time". Maybe they think I'm headed to the strip club though :)
@Bob Ridpath I think you hit on my point. Debit card (what you generally see when I get a card out of my wallet) =/= credit card. I.e. I'm spending real money I have, not future money I don't have. Just my .02. I have only recently started to carry cash for van driver tips with the airline gig, and let me tell you, it is an unending PIA to find a place where I can get $1's reliably.......or at least a place that doesn't say "just so you know, we aren't supposed to be doing this, but this one time". Maybe they think I'm headed to the strip club though :)

BTW, not advocating or lobbying for the change, just noting it and appreciating the current trend. My income is all direct deposit but I stop by my bank on "paydays;" my landlady (older than I am) appreciates the rent paid in cash so it's no big deal for me to get some smaller bills (although I don't generally go for singles).

Every time I handle cash, I wonder if the bills have been in a stripper's buttcrack. I mean, in my line of work I've touched worse over the years, but yeah, cash is dirty. :ooh:
@Bob Ridpath I think you hit on my point. Debit card (what you generally see when I get a card out of my wallet) =/= credit card. I.e. I'm spending real money I have, not future money I don't have. Just my .02. I have only recently started to carry cash for van driver tips with the airline gig, and let me tell you, it is an unending PIA to find a place where I can get $1's reliably.......or at least a place that doesn't say "just so you know, we aren't supposed to be doing this, but this one time". Maybe they think I'm headed to the strip club though :)

You guys are crazy. I received over $4,600 in cash back from my credit card in 2022. Not to mention all the other benefits associated with it. I pay it off every month of course.
We charge extra for using cash. Or paper check. Huge hassle for businesses.

Just to be pedantic, this is because EFT is easier, not because the other forms suddenly became harder, because cash/checks were the previous baseline of "doing business".

FWIW, I still stroke checks because I get an extra couple of days of float while the check is in the mail + processing.

Debit cards are the devil's work.
I put everything on a credit card. Get cash back/points/rewards. And I pay it off full every month of course. Buying the Bronco I asked what’s the max I can put on a credit card? They said $3,000. I was honestly surprised. All our IVF stuff was on CC too. Lotta rewards for 2021 and 2022. :(
I put everything on a credit card. Get cash back/points/rewards. And I pay it off full every month of course. Buying the Bronco I asked what’s the max I can put on a credit card? They said $3,000. I was honestly surprised. All our IVF stuff was on CC too. Lotta rewards for 2021 and 2022. :(

If you push hard, they’ll let you do the whole thing. Usually just requires getting management involved and threatening to walk.