Silver Airways Bankrupt

Sorta a garbage thing to say considering most of the people there had nothing to do with Gulfstream. Sorta like saying good riddance to any of the connections carriers that had those programs.
Not really, I expressed sentiment for their current employees and it’s terrible that they treated them this way….

But the damage companies like this did to the airline industry coupled with the stigma they put in the minds of the public did way more harm
Not really, I expressed sentiment for their current employees and it’s terrible that they treated them this way….

But the damage companies like this did to the airline industry coupled with the stigma they put in the minds of the public did way more harm
That really was a long time ago. I bet most of the people at Silver were in elementary school when gulfstream was doing its thing. I dont believe silver had anything to do with it other than picking up the carcass of the dead airline. Please correct me if I am wrong however.
That really was a long time ago. I bet most of the people at Silver were in elementary school when gulfstream was doing its thing. I dont believe silver had anything to do with it other than picking up the carcass of the dead airline. Please correct me if I am wrong however.
You’re probably right but as someone who felt the effects of the Gulfstream PtP scheme I could be projecting

Regardless I flew with a CA that was at Silver years ago…nice guy and good pilot…he did have some crazy stories though