Saturday Night, Virtual Night...Networking Video Chat

@derg the zoom button works, but it opens zoom in the browser and not the zoom app, and in the browser it only allows the speaker to be showing, and not the gallery view. All of us currently on logged into the chat with the meeting id @CK posted on the app.

Sorry for the delay, crazy work week :/

I’ll save the beta testing for when I’m around the house instead of in the air. What I’ll do is set up the regular Zoom chat this weekend for 12/21 without the plug in — just the plain Jane way of joining the chat!

I MIGHT be able to log in for a bit but not sure yet.
If anyone is planning on getting on tonight, just use the link we’ve always been using.

I’ll try to get up early and see if anyone’s is still on, I’m still in Europe at the moment.
Haven’t had a chance to play with the new software so if you guys want to get on tonight, it’s the “traditional” link
I might pop in for a moment Saturday night as we're traveling, but we'll see.

I apologize for the lack of progress on the Xenforo/Zoom plug-in. Slight post-holiday burnout and that work thing. :)

The vibe:

I might be on later, but ‘m in Tokyo and about to return to nappy-nap time.
Sorry, missed the zoom chat, my sleep sequence got all jacked so here I am at 0230 thinking “lunch!” :)
I'm on tonight. Killing time during a very dreary weekend in NYC if anyone wants to chat.