Saturday Night, Virtual Night...Networking Video Chat

I'll be on at normal people EST tonight. Some of us work for a living, so I won't be on for the usual 0300 PST fun-fest.

(124.2 hours this month)
Hey @knot4u how about you join the chat and we can finally meet you. No hostilities, just chatting. Maybe that will help us know you more. I’ll be on in an hour. @Cherokee_Cruiser same for you.
No. I'm inclined to believe you'd be intentionally cordial but I have zero faith that I wouldn't be a virtual punching bag. If you all want to play a round of shoot the cookie have at it. It's a beautiful evening and I'm quite certain there's a burrito and a bowl of ceviche waiting for me just a couple blocks away. So when I consider my options the choice is clear, I'll not be joining your circle jerk.
No. I'm inclined to believe you'd be intentionally cordial but I have zero faith that I wouldn't be a virtual punching bag. If you all want to play a round of shoot the cookie have at it. It's a beautiful evening and I'm quite certain there's a burrito and a bowl of ceviche waiting for me just a couple blocks away. So when I consider my options the choice is clear, I'll not be joining your circle jerk.
Honestly, I’m tired of laughing emojis with you. I’d actually like to hear what you actually say vs what’s typed in ASCII. I am really not trying to make you a punching bag or whatever you think. It’s been interesting hearing what people say vs what they type. We’ve had several right wingers on there. The invitation is open, as always, but I’ll be on in 20 or so if you’re up to chat. No homo, no trying to make you look bad, just people talking. Seriously. Get to know the actual people here and I think it’ll change your mind about a lot of us. I’m hoping it’ll change our mind about you.

Get some food, or whatever you want, and join the conversation. Invite is out there. Your choice.
Honestly, I’m tired of laughing emojis with you. I’d actually like to hear what you actually say vs what’s typed in ASCII. I am really not trying to make you a punching bag or whatever you think. It’s been interesting hearing what people say vs what they type. We’ve had several right wingers on there. The invitation is open, as always, but I’ll be on in 20 or so if you’re up to chat. No homo, no trying to make you look bad, just people talking. Seriously. Get to know the actual people here and I think it’ll change your mind about a lot of us. I’m hoping it’ll change our mind about you.

Get some food, or whatever you want, and join the conversation. Invite is out there. Your choice.
I appreciate the invite but as I said I'll not be joining. I love the emojis, please don't stop.
Can’t be this weekend. At Chuck E Cheese right now, and then have to go to work. :/
It’s open every Saturday night. This is the first time I’ve been on in a while so I figured I’d throw out the invite to you two. You don’t even have to tell people who you are. Get to know people though is all I’m suggesting.

Enjoy Chuck E Cheese though. Glad my kids outgrew that place.
Can’t be this weekend. At Chuck E Cheese right now, and then have to go to work. :/
Are you carrying? You better be at Chuck E Cheese these days. They sell beer and folks have a tendency to get rowdy when their kids suck at Whack-A-Mole or Skeeball. Always retreat as you defend.
No. I'm inclined to believe you'd be intentionally cordial but I have zero faith that I wouldn't be a virtual punching bag. If you all want to play a round of shoot the cookie have at it. It's a beautiful evening and I'm quite certain there's a burrito and a bowl of ceviche waiting for me just a couple blocks away. So when I consider my options the choice is clear, I'll not be joining your circle jerk.

Try it out. Historically @Lawman and I haven’t really gotten along on here but we’ve had many an awesome conversation on Zoom to the point that it would be great to someday run into him somewhere.

I likely didn’t communicate it well a few months ago when I posted the “why are you here” post but I was basically pleading with you and @Cherokee_Cruiser to stop trolling this place and truly join the community. There are many people here who don’t fit the liberal nerd fest vibe who still belong to the community because we KNOW them.

Honestly the most insulting part about @Cherokee_Cruiser claiming people were picking on him for being Muslim is his lack of understanding that if someone had started picking on him for that when he was out for breakfast with @amorris311 and I, we’d have stood up for him. Join us.