Sad end of an airline amenity

As a kid I was a nerd about the inflight magazine. The route maps and fleet info were my favorite pages, followed by the food/drink pages. I would always take the complimentary copy home, and it became a memento for that trip.

As the pandemic started, everyone started ditching this common touch item. My shop was gone quickly and never brought it back. Same with Delta. AA hung on a bit, but gone. And now, the last remaining United Hemisphere magazine will be no more.

A sad end to a wonderful amenity post pandemic. RIP inflight magazines in this country. You brought joy to a kid and added to his collection of aviation stuff.

As a kid I was a nerd about the inflight magazine. The route maps and fleet info were my favorite pages, followed by the food/drink pages. I would always take the complimentary copy home, and it became a memento for that trip.

As the pandemic started, everyone started ditching this common touch item. My shop was gone quickly and never brought it back. Same with Delta. AA hung on a bit, but gone. And now, the last remaining United Hemisphere magazine will be no more.

A sad end to a wonderful amenity post pandemic. RIP inflight magazines in this country. You brought joy to a kid and added to his collection of aviation stuff.

Agreed, 100%.
They kept the Twitter bird, they're good.

I think magazines as a whole are slowly dying off. Just as newspapers have.
Yeah, I read a bunch of hobby stuff, gamer/model train/machining geek stuff. Its all going to be totally online or simply gone by 2030 I think. All the model airplane magazines I used to love as a kid have dried up, save Model Aviation, and its been thicker in the past. Books themselves are headed that way too. I'll miss them when they're gone.
Yeah, I read a bunch of hobby stuff, gamer/model train/machining geek stuff. Its all going to be totally online or simply gone by 2030 I think. All the model airplane magazines I used to love as a kid have dried up, save Model Aviation, and its been thicker in the past. Books themselves are headed that way too. I'll miss them when they're gone.

Trains Magazine I know is still floating around - and I think Model Railroader is still sending out monthlies. They're still good.
JC got its first big boost in the early days when it was featured in some sort of ‘pilots who blog’ in USAir’s inflight magazine. It was before I had a domain name.

Enough of a boost I got a nastygram from Mindspring about traffic and I really didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.
I think magazines as a whole are slowly dying off. Just as newspapers have.
Almost every last aviation magazine has either gone under or is now 50%+ ads with few exceptions. Too bad, used to be very cool to get photos published now there's almost no one left to publish them.

I've actually read a lot of good articles in Hemispheres and I'd steal one every few years for the fleet and route map stuff in the back.