Sad Day in the R2F Household

Im so sorry stan.
It may not feel good, but you did what was in Harry's best interest.
I know how you feel, i felt so horrible when i had to euthanize my pup.

so sorry.
So sorry to hear. Chief, my Black Lab, just turned 9 yesterday. Had him since he was weaned. I (nearly) joke that he's more loved than I am. He's starting to get gray around his mouth and face and takes much longer to get up now different from the Pup who was yelping in my Bronco as we drove away from the breeder. But, time keeps moving on and on... Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, just think about all of the good times you had with Harry and what a happy life he had.
Thanks everyone! Yesterday was tough.....and an incredibly quiet day around the house. Ironically, Harry never really made a ton of noise. Our remaining dog, Tisha, is our security system. A paper cup could blow by the house and she's ON IT!! :D

Harry was our lover-dog. We've got his picture on the mantle with his collar as a little memorial. We haven't broached the subject with our 4 year old son yet. That comes tonight.

Tisha keeps going to the window by our front door and looking out. I think she's waiting on Harry to come back. Last night, she sat by his food dish and looked at us as if to say "where is he?"

Thanks again for your thoughts and well-wishes. Greatly appreciate it.

If you've never been there (losing a pet), you won't truly understand how much it hurts. For those of you who have, however, you can relate. It sucks!

But....Harry was a great dog and his suffering (however brief) is over.

Thanks again!!
For those of you who have, however, you can relate. It sucks!

S'plaining this to Harry's 4 year old best buddy is probably even tougher.
14 years was a pretty good run tho, right? there is a bright spot to this whole thing: Today, we broached the subject with our 4 year old son. It went something like this:

Us: Brendan, you know that Harry has not been home for a few days?"

Him: Uh-huh.

Us: Well, buddy, Harry is gone. He was really, really old, and he ..... well.... Brendan..... Harry died.

Him: He died?

Us: Yes, buddy, Harry died.......he went to be with the angles.

Him: What are angles? (GREAT...the kid goes to church.....what do we say NOW??? :D )

Us: Angles live with Jesus.

Him: I dindn' know that. (yes you did. :p )

Us: you understand what we are saying?

Him: Uh-huh......Harry he is in heaven.....and he went to the castle and saw the princess and prince....and they went over the water fall...then went ZOOOOM in the big truck......

Us: (chuckling) okay,'re good. Go back toyour movie. :D
I'm sorry Stan. As someone that shares his life with a dog I can totally relate to you. Best wishes.
Sorry about losing your dog. I had to do the same thing a few years ago, and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I currently spend $140.00 amonth on medicine so I wont have to do that to one of my current dogs. A new puppy was the best way to get over it. Just a thought.