Reflections and Advice on the AT-SAT

anyone know the difference between the AT-SAT prep books? the one i keep hearing about (and the one a friend bought) was 'the green book,' aka 'air traffic control CAREER prep,' but i also found one on amazon called 'air traffic control TEST prep.'

did anyone get the second one, and is it any good?
anyone know the difference between the AT-SAT prep books? the one i keep hearing about (and the one a friend bought) was 'the green book,' aka 'air traffic control CAREER prep,' but i also found one on amazon called 'air traffic control TEST prep.'

did anyone get the second one, and is it any good?
I didn't study, so I'm no help.

In all reality, they'll give you a good idea of what's on the test, but you can't really prepare for an aptitude test.. It's like studying for a drug test. If you suck at math now, you'll suck at math in 3 weeks.

Just do your best. That's all you can do!
In all reality, they'll give you a good idea of what's on the test, but you can't really prepare for an aptitude test.. It's like studying for a drug test. If you suck at math now, you'll suck at math in 3 weeks.

I disagree... which is why I wrote the guide. I'm not saying it's going to change you from a failing score to high nineties or anything, but knowing what's to come, especially on unique things like Scenarios, that can add a few points on. And if it makes a difference between Qualified and Well Qualified, hey, that's a big deal.

Anyway, regarding the prior question, look carefully at what the books cover. I only know of one that covers the actual AT-SAT. There are others with similar names which cover other FAA tests -- don't accidentally buy one of those.
I completely agree that adequate preparation can go a long way in passing any test, even the "aptitude" ones that you "don't need to study for." I sure hope I can effectively study for it . . . I'm a reasonably good test taker but only when I adequately prepare for it.
Well I really did appreciate all the great info on here. I am a good test taker and I do well on aptitude tests. I scored a 98 on the ASVAB test for the army and this test sounds somewhat similar. I got my authorization to take the test back on 8/13................ so here I am hurrying up and waiting.
Studying has helped me alot, especially with the applied math. It's been at least 5 years since I was in a math class. Now I'm just waiting for the test info...
Perhaps i'm completely missing something, but in practicing for the Letter Factory test, i've encountered an inconsistency, i think. In the Letter Factory test, do you let letters that are already in boxes go by? As i understand it, you only want to introduce boxes for filling when you HAVE to. If i have a green box with A-B-C filled and i get a bunch of green A's coming down the belts, do i let them go? According to the green book Letter Factory test that counts as a missed letter? I thought that was part of the test, knowing when to NOT select letters?
Perhaps i'm completely missing something, but in practicing for the Letter Factory test, i've encountered an inconsistency, i think. In the Letter Factory test, do you let letters that are already in boxes go by? As i understand it, you only want to introduce boxes for filling when you HAVE to. If i have a green box with A-B-C filled and i get a bunch of green A's coming down the belts, do i let them go? According to the green book Letter Factory test that counts as a missed letter? I thought that was part of the test, knowing when to NOT select letters?

It's been over a year since I last used it, but from my recollection, the only letters you do NOT move to boxes are those that are outside of A, B, C, or D. All other letters are considered rogue and are to be discarded as defective. You introduce boxes as needed to fill them for each color. Any letter A, B, C, or D that you let go from the belt without moving it counts as a missed letter.
Roger, thank you sir. But if a box isn't filled and you get 6 straight green A's which you already have and a couple purple and pink boxes, there's no where to put those other green A's, so you're just SOL in that case?
Roger, thank you sir. But if a box isn't filled and you get 6 straight green A's which you already have and a couple purple and pink boxes, there's no where to put those other green A's, so you're just SOL in that case?

That won't happen during the actual AT-SAT. The practice is a little different. I thought the Letter Factory for the actual test was a lot easier. So, keep practicing and you will be in awesome shape when the test comes around!
ive printed out the breakdown at the beginning of this thread as I have found thru th efeedback in this forum seems to be the most helpful test date is the 20th of Oct so we will see how that goes...
Sheesh, here i am wigging out...thanks a bunch Princess

The part that will get you is the questions you get asked at random times throughout the "game" -- so make sure you pay attention to ALL of your surroundings: know how many/what color boxes are in the holding area, which letters are above the line, which letters are below the line, which letter(s) you would need to complete a box, etc. For instance, on the last one, you may get a question that looks like this:

What letters would you still need to complete the green box?
A) A and B
B) B only
C) A, C, and D
D) A, B, C, and D

And then, once the question has been answered, you basically start with a new letter factory screen.

You'll have a practice session on the test that will let you get acquainted with how it works, so don't freak out about it, because it sounds a lot harder than it is.
Hey guys I know this has been talked about before but about the Math. I have been going over the greenbook and the At-SAT study guide from SM and have been missing about 6-7 questions on each and finish just within 30 mins for 30 questions.

For those of you who have taken the AT-SAT how much easier is it than those two publications? Im getting really nervious about this part.

Do you see questions like this....A plane taking off and climbing at 380fpm at 205mph what is the altitude of the plane after its traveled 115miles.


Or this plane A left ABC going 120mph at the same time as B going 180mph in opposite directions how many miles apart would they be in 9 mins?

Maybe it because I have been out of school for years but these seem to boggle me without the use of paper or a calculator.

Can someone give me a typical question in the math section if these are not the typical ones seen on the test.
