Ram Air


Well-Known Member
The company is closing down in early March. Are there any companies out there other than Airnet that happen to be hiring?

Airnet guys, I'm not ripping on you, I just submitted a resume and online application.
Airnet, AMF, flight express, and martinair are all hiring. If you have the total time I believe Wiggins is hiring for fedex stuff.

Were you able to talk to amf the last time you were looking?
2100TT at the moment, and no I wasn't able to reach AMF last time I was looking. Good news: I'm now an experienced Part 135 pilot.
Sucks to hear about Ram Air, the writing was on the wall a long time ago. Not much you can do with a bunch of Piper products in the lower 48.
I don't know about current hiring (they don't usually tell us about new classes until they show up here), but Flight Express has been running regular classes.
As a Ramair guy I must agree the writing has been on the wall (since 07) haha great company. Great group of pilots. But flying checks is a thing of the past. As far as Ramair goes still an avionics repair station and a maintenance facility. Oh and for those that care there will be a rip memorial services / kegs and grub party on Saturday March 3rd west ramp Rdu. Arfff
Did I see you in the PA32 in PDK a couple of weeks back? I think you may have been complaining about getting wet.
The dark blonde/light brown haired female? About 5'4"? On a very rainy day? Smiling while she complained? If you answered yes to all of the above, then yes, that was probably me. I'm also notorious for having a hat that looks like a pair of cat/fox ears.

I'll be there again on Monday! (Probably)
Never saw the cat/fox ears, sounds delightful - maybe next time.

Sure sounds like you, how'd you like flying cheques?
Ram Air was a great company to fly for. Simple as that. I wouldn't have minded having a few more months with them.

Also, I wasn't complaining about getting wet, I was complaining that the plane I flew was like standing in a shower: you have some drier areas but you are still guaranteed to get wet.
Ram Air was a great company to fly for. Simple as that. I wouldn't have minded having a few more months with them.

Also, I wasn't complaining about getting wet, I was complaining that the plane I flew was like standing in a shower: you have some drier areas but you are still guaranteed to get wet.
It's easier to make a submarine fly than to make a PA32 waterproof.
Why do leaks always have to be over the pilot's seat? You maintenance guys need invent some way to divert the drips elsewhere.

I have learned to keep a trash bag in the plane. It works to a certain extent
Why do leaks always have to be over the pilot's seat? You maintenance guys need invent some way to divert the drips elsewhere.

I have learned to keep a trash bag in the plane. It works to a certain extent
Well, that's usually not a problem on the PA32... What sucks is to be the passenger sitting just behind the copilots seat, which is next to the inevitably leaking door..which has brought many mechanics to their knees after failed attempts to seal it.
The reason it doesn't seal is because fatasses use it as leverage to get up an out.

The Cheifain never leaked on me. Drafty: extremely. Wet: not really.
The 99 is both wet and drafty.
The jet is simply awesome. I miss flying a plane where I could wear a short sleeved shirt despite being -40 outside.
I have learned to keep a trash bag in the plane. It works to a certain extent

...or B: finally move out of norcal.


Stinking Pipers can't help but leak.
Flying 1.5 while holding the checklist in front of your face to block the fine-mist is the epitome of flying Piper-Paper-Freight-Products.
The reason it doesn't seal is because fatasses use it as leverage to get up an out.

FATASS?!?!? I'm 130 pounds soaking wet! My colleagues on the other hand... Damn, now I can't simply blame maintenance.