Question for ERJ-145 Drivers

Could be something broke and they required the use of the APU for that new MEL? I have seen that once on a different a/c model when an engine driven generator had to be MEL'd, which required the use of the APU- which was broke. Who knows, I don't fly the crazy yoke thingy.
Could be something broke and they required the use of the APU for that new MEL? I have seen that once on a different a/c model when an engine driven generator had to be MEL'd, which required the use of the APU- which was broke. Who knows, I don't fly the crazy yoke thingy.

Yes. I think there is one MEL, it may be one of the engine driven gens being inop that requires the APU gen to be on during takeoff and landing I think....I'd have to check the book.

Fortunately it's rare to have deferred items at my company, and even more rare to have more than one deferred item. But sure, if there is more than one you have to be sure that you can comply with all the requirements for dispatching with those items deferred.

Another MEL I can think of that requires other systems functioning is a deferred Gasper Fan. It's the fan that blows air through the little air vents but it also cools some of the avionics I believe. With the gasper fan MELed you have to meet temperature requirements in the cockpit and have to have the #1 Pack operative.
Also, this quote:

Was by one of the most beloved captains from Bar Harbor/CALEX/XJT. His retirement flight was also the retirement flight of the ATR. Fun day. I remember standing out in the pouring rain on the IAH hardstands saluting him as he taxied in. He was famous for saying the above quote.

Was that Charlie? I remember hearing stories about him.

About the APU, though. Surprisingly, we have very few APU MELs at XJT. It's pretty nice. We had a few more than normal out west. My favorite story was when I was in RNO. We had just switched to US Airways West for ground handling. The agents are running around on cell phones trying to find someone that knew how to use our air start and could teach the AWA people how to use it (as they did not know how). I finally tracked down an agent and had the following conversation:

Me: "Do they not know how to use our air start?"

XJT Brain Trust: "No, we're trying to find someone here that does."

Me: "Does US Airways have their own air start for their equipment?"

BT: "Yeah."

Me: "Well..." (pause waiting for the light bulb to come on...never does) "Can we use their's?"

BT: "Yeah. Oh...YEAH...I never thought of that."

Me: (shaking head and walking away mumbling "Use your head.")
You were in DSM and you didn't call?

a) don't have your number
b) didn't realize you were in DSM'
c) would have if options a and b applied.

The way the biz has been lately, I'll be back there or in Cedar Rapids in the near future. Preferably when you guys thaw out. I hate IA in the winter. :mad:
a) don't have your number
b) didn't realize you were in DSM'
c) would have if options a and b applied.

The way the biz has been lately, I'll be back there or in Cedar Rapids in the near future. Preferably when you guys thaw out. I hate IA in the winter. :mad:

IA is warm this time of year compared to where I am now.
I'm in DSM most weekends, near MSP M-F.
IA is warm this time of year compared to where I am now.
I'm in DSM most weekends, near MSP M-F.

I was there a month or two ago when it was -27 ambient and a -51 windchill.

You people are insane for living in the upper midwest by choice. That's not winter, it's a frakkin' state of emergency.