The issue is not my complacency & inexcusable lapse of judgement, which I wholly 'Own', it is whether my case is being handled in compliance with FAA policies: I read them, I studied them as if my career depended on it. I am certain that I am in absolute compliance with every reporting directive established in both the FAA's own Airman DUI/DWI webpage and in FAR's 61/67. The only place you are required to report an
arrest is in box 18v of the medical application. There is no requirement to report an arrest to FAA Investigations within 60 days, this imperative applies only to
suspensions/revocations and alcohol-related
convictions. If anyone has a specific citation to the contrary I implore you to share it so I may address any possible error with the FAA immediately.
The National Driver Registry shows only suspensions/revocations and alcohol-related driving convictions. Mine is clean. But for my voluntary & timely disclosure as prescribed on the medical application, the FAA would have no knowledge of the event. (Believe me, this thought has crossed my mind.)
Here is a link to the
AME Guide regarding 18v on the medical application. It is clear to me that I do not meet the criteria for deferral, had the AME bothered to read it. (He clearly stated he did not know the rules, and instead had his nurse call the FAA who evidently, and in absence of the pertinent details, recommended deferral.)
Sorry all. I know I am raging against the machine here. It is clear to me now that I have no choice but to wait for the wheels of the FAA to slowly turn. I am certain that once somebody who has some authority, accountability, reason and knowledge of the regs reviews my case that my medical will be issued. That this may take 60 days, will be financially and professionally devastating, and needn't have happened at all is enough to drive me to... well, you know.