Puppymill types...KCPS - What on earth is going on?

Ok so seriously. What are these events all about? I mean like what are the events and how are they scored? Can someone point me to a primer? I feel like I should go over with a bunch of scorecards, since the circus is in town. Are there like fans? And groupies? GROUPIES? No, of course not. Still, I think it would be fun to start a fight between UND and ERAU and then crawl out of the pile of moshing golf shirts and slink off in to the shadows to watch the fun.

I'll join ya... I'd wouldn't mind seeing that fight. Just lightly vandalize any one of the 30 gazillion 15 passenger vans that will be rolling around and you're in for a show.
I'll join ya... I'd wouldn't mind seeing that fight. Just lightly vandalize any one of the 30 gazillion 15 passenger vans that will be rolling around and you're in for a show.

We could even like scratch "UND" in to the ERAU van and vice versa. Man, it's a shame this isn't happening on a weekend...

Or maybe that's a very good thing.
We could even like scratch "UND" in to the ERAU van and vice versa. Man, it's a shame this isn't happening on a weekend...

Or maybe that's a very good thing.

Oh... We's gots plenty-o-time... The thing doesn't even start till the 18th. Only the schools with the cash to burn have arrived yet.
You're kidding. They got here a WEEK early? Man, now you know where that $150,000 went.

The funny thing is they will be burning some serious blue liquid from early morning till sunset trying to hit their spots and practicing navigation routes looking for good landmarks. Some people I guess!
If you run across any of these dudes, tell them they need to go visit "The Pink Slip" in Brooklyn, IL. Trust me, it'll be funny. If it doesn't make the papers, I'll give you a dollar.
Find the keys to one of their vans they left lying around and spend the week moving it around the parking lot when they're not looking... trust me, it's fantastic ;)
If you're not a huge jerk and know how not to make a spectacle of yourself, everywhere is probably worse than people make it sound. That said, I wouldn't pick Cahokia/East St. Louis as a vacation destination. Cahokia isn't quite as bad as further northeast, but it's enough to keep your attention. I took a wrong turn going home from the airport once and wound up in deepest E. STL. It seriously does look like Beirut (or like Americans imagine Beirut might look, anyway). Cars on blocks in the street, burned out buildings, etc. It looks like something out of "Colors" or "Beverly Hills Cop". You probably won't get shot staying in Cahokia, but I'd bet you would't get a great night's sleep.

Well back in the day (when the college was on the right side of the river:D), there was a big difference between Cahokia and E STL. Still we had a flight instructor mugged and dumped in ESTL. He was back to work the next day...gotta eat. BTW the white stripe was on runway 4.
Well back in the day (when the college was on the right side of the river:D), there was a big difference between Cahokia and E STL. Still we had a flight instructor mugged and dumped in ESTL. He was back to work the next day...gotta eat. BTW the white stripe was on runway 4.

Yeah, like I said. You gotta work hard to get yourself killed in Cahokia, East St. Louis will do it gratis. I'd still probably pull the dart out and claim a Mulligan if I were randomly picking a vacation destination, though. 4 is now 5. I guess those magnetic whatchamicallits changed or something. I still remember coming in and asking for 4 and having the Tower Nazi (hi, Diane) say "there is no runway 4 at this airfield, Flight Express 714".
Yeah, like I said. You gotta work hard to get yourself killed in Cahokia, East St. Louis will do it gratis. I'd still probably pull the dart out and claim a Mulligan if I were randomly picking a vacation destination, though. 4 is now 5. I guess those magnetic whatchamicallits changed or something. I still remember coming in and asking for 4 and having the Tower Nazi (hi, Diane) say "there is no runway 4 at this airfield, Flight Express 714".

I still like saying "Parks Tower" only to get dead air. After a couple of calls, she responds with "Are you calling "Downtown Tower?"
Seriously, not all of us are that dorky or weird. Most non-ERAU and UND participants pay their own way, and the vast majority are very good pilots. There are 32 schools competing, and most are not ERAU or UND puppymill types.
Seriously, not all of us are that dorky or weird. Most non-ERAU and UND participants pay their own way, and the vast majority are very good pilots. There are 32 schools competing, and most are not ERAU or UND puppymill types.

Relax. Part of the fun of being on the internet is giving crap to people who probably don't deserve it. Ask half the people on this board and I regularly and flagrantly break FARs, because that's what freight swine do. We also don't bathe regularly (ok, I'll put my hand up on that one). You'll look back on all this somewhere down the road and laugh at yourself with the rest of us, just like I do. Good luck in the competition. Try not to hit anything important with that flour.
Seriously, not all of us are that dorky or weird. Most non-ERAU and UND participants pay their own way, and the vast majority are very good pilots. There are 32 schools competing, and most are not ERAU or UND puppymill types.

As a proud ex-NIFA competitor I would have to disagree.... You have to be at least a little dorky or weird to get through a SCAN test without pulling all of your hair out. :rolleyes: However, I agree with everything else you said.
Dorky or weird? Dude, you just described 90% of the pilot population. I think what you meant to say is that not all of us are enormous toolbags.
I took a wrong turn going home from the airport once and wound up in deepest E. STL. It seriously does look like Beirut (or like Americans imagine Beirut might look, anyway). Cars on blocks in the street, burned out buildings, etc. It looks like something out of "Colors" or "Beverly Hills Cop". You probably won't get shot staying in Cahokia, but I'd bet you would't get a great night's sleep.

I found myself lost in E. STL on my bike one day. After a few confrontations with the locals (2 crackheads, a welfare mom trying to sell me drugs, and 4 big dark dudes who drove backwards to follow me) I found the freeway and rode my bike under the bridges till I made it back to the airport. No sweat though, Im from Detroit so it made me a little homesick.
I found myself lost in E. STL on my bike one day. After a few confrontations with the locals (2 crackheads, a welfare mom trying to sell me drugs, and 4 big dark dudes who drove backwards to follow me) I found the freeway and rode my bike under the bridges till I made it back to the airport. No sweat though, Im from Detroit so it made me a little homesick.
Your sick. It may not be Detroit but that is as close to it as I care to get and I have to got to work there everyday. BTW, how are you doing dbrault? What have you been up to. I saw your bike at BNA about a year ago but last time that I went though there it was gone. Did you drop by and actually pick it up? Hope things are going well, feel free to PM me.

An as far as the puppymills go, like I said, as long as you leave enough room for me to get back to the hangar every night, we cool. Good luck to all that compete in the NIFA competition this year. And I will give you $1.00 if they actually go to the Pink Slip and it doesn't make the news. Then again, is that place even open? I swore they closed it quite a few times lately.
I just have a request to make with all the visiting pilots and schools.... Please, please do your runup on the ramp away from the entrance/exits... and also be ready to go when you get to the runway cause I usually am and I'm sure all the Flight Express guys are too. Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.
Yeah, we're mostly stuck with wherever NIFA says we do the runup, at least once competition starts. Until about Monday you're gonna be stuck with whatever the hair-gelled tools and the ratty-152 rednecks decide they're gonna be doing. I'll be sure to pass it along to my guys though.
I just have a request to make with all the visiting pilots and schools.... Please, please do your runup on the ramp away from the entrance/exits... and also be ready to go when you get to the runway cause I usually am and I'm sure all the Flight Express guys are too. Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.

They have to do it where the judges and event coordinators tell them to it.

Whats going to happen is that they are going to close "the short" runway to all transient traffic except for the competition particapants during each event. They are going to start at around 7am and be done by 3 or 4 pm in the afternoon during the actual competition.
Yeah, we're mostly stuck with wherever NIFA says we do the runup, at least once competition starts. Until about Monday you're gonna be stuck with whatever the hair-gelled tools and the ratty-152 rednecks decide they're gonna be doing. I'll be sure to pass it along to my guys though.

We don't do runups, they just scare us.