Puppymill types...KCPS - What on earth is going on?

Yeah, it's the NIFA national competition. We (Western Michigan) will be flying in tomorrow, as will many other schools. Yeah, there are spot landings, bomb drop, and many other flying events.

No, despite being on the flight team, I'm not a "puppymill type."

I was on it for CMSU in Warrensburg, MO. We probably couldn't have taken the whole thing any less seriously.
Every time I go into 5, I think "Is today the day I get shot at?" Cahokia/East St. Louis is freakin' scary! So I usually try to depart 5 and land 23, much safer.
Haha! We're staying pretty near the airport. How sketchy is it?
Haha! We're staying pretty near the airport. How sketchy is it?
One of our pilots stayed there a couple nights... He couldn't get any sleep cause of gunshots, sirens, shouting, ect. He said he wished he forked out the extra $10 to stay on the other side of the river!
Say hi to the SJSU guys, I'm proud of them but I wont be able to head out to nationals with them yet again this year. It sucks being poor.
Haha! We're staying pretty near the airport. How sketchy is it?

There is, in fact, a Holiday Inn Express near the airport. That's where they put up the guys who come to cover for me when I'm too dru...when I'm "indisposed". Let's just say I don't think they leave the hotel for the fire alarm. It's probably a little bit like landing in Baghdad...
One of our pilots stayed there a couple nights... He couldn't get any sleep cause of gunshots, sirens, shouting, ect. He said he wished he forked out the extra $10 to stay on the other side of the river!

There is, in fact, a Holiday Inn Express near the airport. That's where they put up the guys who come to cover for me when I'm too dru...when I'm "indisposed". Let's just say I don't think they leave the hotel for the fire alarm. It's probably a little bit like landing in Baghdad...

Is that the one with the Walmart pretty near by?
On my first day landing in CPS at FLX, the guy ahead of me on final told the tower that he almost had to go around because of a couple of " . . . guys running across the final, carrying bikes".

Every time I go into 5, I think "Is today the day I get shot at?" Cahokia/East St. Louis is freakin' scary! So I usually try to depart 5 and land 23, much safer.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! And my run starts at 0500..hahahaha

Yeah, it's the NIFA national competition. We (Western Michigan) will be flying in tomorrow, as will many other schools. Yeah, there are spot landings, bomb drop, and many other flying events.

No, despite being on the flight team, I'm not a "puppymill type."

Just leave room for me to get back to my hangar and we's gots no problems.

Haha! We're staying pretty near the airport. How sketchy is it?

If you have to ask...
Is that the one with the Walmart pretty near by?

Yeah, you go down the road that runs parallel to 30R, pass the Quickie-Mart that is like 90% airbrushed gangstawear t-shirts, take a right, and it's just before you get to whatever the God-forsaken "main drag" is called over there. Kiloalpha knows, I think we drove past it in our fruitless quest for breakfast that wasn't from McDonalds.
On my first day landing in CPS at FLX, the guy ahead of me on final told the tower that he almost had to go around because of a couple of " . . . guys running across the final, carrying bikes".

carrying? I thought there was a discount....when did you first fly into parks?
Just leave room for me to get back to my hangar and we's gots no problems.


Yeah, you go down the road that runs parallel to 30R, pass the Quickie-Mart that is like 90% airbrushed gangstawear t-shirts, take a right, and it's just before you get to whatever the God-forsaken "main drag" is called over there. Kiloalpha knows, I think we drove past it in our fruitless quest for breakfast that wasn't from McDonalds.

I know the one!
Yeah, you go down the road that runs parallel to 30R, pass the Quickie-Mart that is like 90% airbrushed gangstawear t-shirts, take a right, and it's just before you get to whatever the God-forsaken "main drag" is called over there. Kiloalpha knows, I think we drove past it in our fruitless quest for breakfast that wasn't from McDonalds.
Cheated death you and I did on that expedition! Literally!
On my first day landing in CPS at FLX, the guy ahead of me on final told the tower that he almost had to go around because of a couple of " . . . guys running across the final, carrying bikes".


When I ride my lil motorschwin over there, I ride it through the gate, park it out of sight of the parking lot, chain the tire, and take the helmet with me. If it ain't nailed down, it's probably going to migrate.
Cheated death you and I did on that expedition! Literally!

What just once? Between my truck that could explode at any minute and the fact that I was half asleep and didn't know where I was going, I'd say more like 5 times. And that's before factoring in restless natives.
We're staying about 25 miles away from the airport because of the area's aforementioned "issues." I've heard East St. Louis was bad, though I doubt it's as bad as what people make it out to be.
We're staying about 25 miles away from the airport because of the area's aforementioned "issues." I've heard East St. Louis was bad, though I doubt it's as bad as what people make it out to be.

If you're not a huge jerk and know how not to make a spectacle of yourself, everywhere is probably worse than people make it sound. That said, I wouldn't pick Cahokia/East St. Louis as a vacation destination. Cahokia isn't quite as bad as further northeast, but it's enough to keep your attention. I took a wrong turn going home from the airport once and wound up in deepest E. STL. It seriously does look like Beirut (or like Americans imagine Beirut might look, anyway). Cars on blocks in the street, burned out buildings, etc. It looks like something out of "Colors" or "Beverly Hills Cop". You probably won't get shot staying in Cahokia, but I'd bet you would't get a great night's sleep.
Ok so seriously. What are these events all about? I mean like what are the events and how are they scored? Can someone point me to a primer? I feel like I should go over with a bunch of scorecards, since the circus is in town. Are there like fans? And groupies? GROUPIES? No, of course not. Still, I think it would be fun to start a fight between UND and ERAU and then crawl out of the pile of moshing golf shirts and slink off in to the shadows to watch the fun.