PSA Recall....Round Two

Especially with the sysem wide bid that came out. I believe it stated we need 473 pilots across the three bases. Doing the math, I'm barely number 461 I think.... Needless to say I dont think we will chew up a whole list by the end of the year. Could change, and I wish it could, but I just dont see it :(

Including taking out 30 or so for MIL/MED/LOA etc? Yes I know wishful thinking :D
Hope you all come back. Been an interesting blend. I had a family issue, but it may be under control. But hey this trip was too fun to call off just yet. Flew with TYS CLT and DAY captains.

I guess I can now order the "I flew with BOBDDUCK" T-SHIRT. :D

But no duck anymore... :(
It was good flying with you too. And I did indeed lose my duck.

If anybody sees him, let me know.


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Not PSA but AWAC seems to pretty much mirror PSA. We brought back half our furloughs and upgraded just a few. Word from the company is they expect a significant reduction come this fall so they are staffing pretty thin to avoid having to furlough again. On a side note have you seen the price of oil? Almost at $60/bbl. If the economy does recover expect large losses due to the price of fuel. Basically the airlines, long term, are screwed.
Word really at PSA is that no one is aware of any MORE recalls. The orginal number thrown around, and I've heard it from many, was 20 recalls with 10 upgrades. We are already in the process of having those numbers filled. Who knows, could change tomorrow but from what I've been getting told, its not likely.
Didn't they just announce another 6 upgrades about two weeks ago? That brings the number up to 16 upgrades. And any news on how the upgrades are going?
Didn't they just announce another 6 upgrades about two weeks ago? That brings the number up to 16 upgrades. And any news on how the upgrades are going?

That would bring the number up to 16, however lets face it. Some will bust out. I hope all 16 make it. But reality is it wont happen. They are in training right now. The ones I spoke with seem to be thinking things were going great. All of the ones I interacted with had busted their rides in the past. So I would assume they can sort of judge where they are sitting. Nothing official on how they are doing. The last 6 announced I believe were all previous downgrades. Thus I think 7 of the 16 we know will be back without a problem.