PSA CRJ-700 AA midair collision

At our shop, we have an approach for 33 which is the RNAV. And assuming you can get numbers for the runway, we are legal to land.

Now, the latest change just came out for our 10-7 DCA pages. We can only do Rwy 1/19, “unless Rwy 33 is designated as the primary landing runway.”

And they pretty much never happens. It’s always 1/19 as primary, and 15/33 as a secondary for smaller aircraft to allow departures of 1/19 sooner.
Without reading the actual CVR I get the feeling they never had the airplane in sight. And the request to maintain visual separation seemed perfunctory at best. An automated response. The constant altitude error callouts are chilling. When good enough for government work just isn’t good enough.