People working for free ruining industry?


Well-Known Member
I ran across this article in an eBrief email I received. Unfortunately, I'm still entry-level to this profession as the ink on my degree is still wet, but it saddens me to see that good industry jobs are going to those who can afford to work without pay while the rest of the industry is undergoing furloughs and layoffs.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that level of love and passion for aviation, but when one is a retired Major General, a retired CEO, and owns two residences and a twin, how can you justify taking food from the mouths of those who need it?
A retired major general with the Army National Guard and former president of a global chemical company will voluntarily devote more than 60 hours weekly to leading operations at the Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport.

<style> .art_main_pic { width:250px; float:left; clear:left; } </style> The director position has been vacant since Josh Houston resigned in July. Darwin Simpson, an avid aviator and Spartanburg resident, has offered his services and business expertise - free-of-charge - to the city.

Does this article bother anyone else?
Same thing happened to me. I was ground instructing on a part time basis at my old school. Then a retired military guy came in and started doing it for free. Of course my services were no longer needed. I was making half of my airline guarantee in only a few hours of work, was a pretty nice boost in pay for a little while there.

I ran across this article in an eBrief email I received. Unfortunately, I'm still entry-level to this profession as the ink on my degree is still wet, but it saddens me to see that good industry jobs are going to those who can afford to work without pay while the rest of the industry is undergoing furloughs and layoffs.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that level of love and passion for aviation, but when one is a retired Major General, a retired CEO, and owns two residences and a twin, how can you justify taking food from the mouths of those who need it?
Does this article bother anyone else?

Since the position was vacant for almost 9 months, I don't think this guy is taking food from anyone. I say good for him. Sounds like he will be very good for the airport community.
I ran across this article in an eBrief email I received. Unfortunately, I'm still entry-level to this profession as the ink on my degree is still wet, but it saddens me to see that good industry jobs are going to those who can afford to work without pay while the rest of the industry is undergoing furloughs and layoffs.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that level of love and passion for aviation, but when one is a retired Major General, a retired CEO, and owns two residences and a twin, how can you justify taking food from the mouths of those who need it?
Does this article bother anyone else?
Might be better if they could pay him and donate the wages to a charity. But I see your point.

Is it possible they couldn't find anyone to work and the guy doesn't want the airport to fall apart?
Might be better if they could pay him and donate the wages to a charity. But I see your point.

Is it possible they couldn't find anyone to work and the guy doesn't want the airport to fall apart?

I see your point and I agree with it to an extent, but don't you also find it hard to believe that the airport couldn't find a qualified director with the current condition of the economy?
I see your point and I agree with it to an extent, but don't you also find it hard to believe that the airport couldn't find a qualified director with the current condition of the economy?

I do. Though I've found making assumptions when I don't know the situation fully is a HUGE mistake. At the least they should be paying this guy and donating it to a food kitchen.
You're right about making assumptions and I also agree with donating the salary. Although in the article, they did mention that the city manager was interviewing interim candidates at the time when Simpson offered his services free of charge.

If he's the right candidate, I'm all for it. However that doesn't change my feeling that having a person in that level of airport management as a volunteer does a disservice, on principle, to those attempting to make a living in the same field.

To clarify, I'm not against a person of his background and means obtaining the position. I would feel much better if he was receiving a salary for the job regardless of whether or not he needed it. I'd rather see him receive the paycheck and donate it to Angel Flight, CAN, or as you mentioned, a soup kitchen, than to simply work gratis.
You're right about making assumptions and I also agree with donating the salary. Although in the article, they did mention that the city manager was interviewing interim candidates at the time when Simpson offered his services free of charge.

If he's the right candidate, I'm all for it. However that doesn't change my feeling that having a person in that level of airport management as a volunteer does a disservice, on principle, to those attempting to make a living in the same field.

To clarify, I'm not against a person of his background and means obtaining the position. I would feel much better if he was receiving a salary for the job regardless of whether or not he needed it. I'd rather see him receive the paycheck and donate it to Angel Flight, CAN, or as you mentioned, a soup kitchen, than to simply work gratis.
I think I get what you are saying man. You have a right to voice a concern, and Lord knows I agree with you. This guy needs to stay retired.

Unfortunately there are voltures like this in every industry, we just see them more often because it's our bread and butter.

Unfortunately there are voltures like this in every industry, we just see them more often because it's our bread and butter.

I fail to see how this man can be characterized as a volture[sic]. Dedicating 60 hours a week for something you love doesn't seem to fit the bill. Like has already been mentioned, the position has been vacant for a considerable time. I would be hesitant to criticize this man based on the lack of information in the article.
I wonder if professional bloggers get pissed if people write an amature blog for free....
Spartanburg is running out of money just like most of the other cities in SC. It's better to take on a person that's willing to do the job for free then paying 120k towards someone in a position that I'm sure very few of us would qualify for. That's money that can go towards airport improvement or maintenance. It seems like a positive thing to me. I wouldn't say the same towards those willing to fly for free.
Spartanburg is running out of money just like most of the other cities in SC. It's better to take on a person that's willing to do the job for free then paying 120k towards someone in a position that I'm sure very few of us would qualify for. That's money that can go towards airport improvement or maintenance. It seems like a positive thing to me. I wouldn't say the same towards those willing to fly for free.

I'll do it for 120k, but the job isn't posted.
I agree with trooper, this individual cannot be characterized as a vulture when he would probably be over-qualified for the position. As trooper says he saves the city a monthly salary out of the airport budget for a city that is hurting just as bad if not worse than the rest of the country. Boo on you if you have not at least talked to this person or researched further than the article you read at the end of the link provided. I believe that most of the folks posting here are pilots and if we were not so busy looking for a flying position and KNEW that this position was open then someone here would have most likely applied for the job. The ink may still be wet on your degree as it is on my licenses and ratings as an instructor. But that does stop me from sending my resume to every open job i see. I may only have 400 hours TT, but I will send my resume to flight departments. I have had a couple of calls from those departments that told me I had some nerve sending a resume w/only 400 hours. But I did something, I made an impression! I say let the saprtanburg downtown airport save the $120,000 that they would pay this person and let it go towards the improvements to the existing hangers. As the article said, if there are hangers availbale for the folks on the waiting list then that translates into income for the airport. More aircraft means more traffic, means more fuel, means more personnel, means that people are making money to use to help the economy!! Jobs!! :banghead:

Had to break my rant.....
I say that it is good that this gentleman can give his time as a manager for the airport. I believe I will head down to the airport this week or next to look for a CFI job and hopefully meet this person.

Please don't make assumptions about where I am or am not applying, or how far I'm stretching my options to find a good path in my career. It was also mentioned earlier in the thread that some here might not be as welcoming to someone willing to fly for free as that hits closer to home. Not everyone here is a commercial pilot but we're still looking for jobs in the industry.

Additionally, the article mentioned increasing the number of hangars to accommodate those on the waiting list. While yes that will help spur economic activity at the airport, are you trying to say that no one else is capable of coming to that conclusion?

You might want to take a minute, have an adult beverage, and then reread his post. :confused:

Sorry of I came off a bit harsh. Just had a lovely day of trying to find students in the same market as the airport in this article. No students flying and worse yet, one company that I have seen that would lend to students in a part 61 flight school, Sallie Mae, will not add more flight schools to their "list".

I will however be visiting the airport later this week to poke my nose around and learn a little bit about this person. I will let you guys know how it looks.
Since the position was vacant for almost 9 months, I don't think this guy is taking food from anyone. I say good for him. Sounds like he will be very good for the airport community.

What happens when this guy retires from the job? Is the airport going to expect the next person to do it for free? If not they will probably not offer the same pay that it originally had prior to it being a volunteer job.
What happens when this guy retires from the job? Is the airport going to expect the next person to do it for free? If not they will probably not offer the same pay that it originally had prior to it being a volunteer job.

hehe, u watch. He'll quit on them because he's doing it for free the moment they don't do what he wants. Then they'll shrug and go back to asking for candidates.