
I get inverted-peak since the majority of the freight on my run goes to NID. For some reason people don't want HUD's or missile launchers for Christmas. ...Now if only everyone else's routes were the same so that I wasn't having to double-turn and cover their extra... :p
Man I don't miss Peak. Only had one season of it, but it about killed me. Why the slaughter house in Guymon, OK had to ship 1700 lbs of ham is still beyond me. I still two more pick ups after that stop. We will just say the Van was at max gross for a week.
since >50% of my weight always seems to be drill bits, bulking out isn't much of a concern
Haha, you still bark at the rampers to distribute the bits? I remember the newer guys couldn't lift them with one arm... they'll learn.
I was once asked about "floor loading" by a Fed. Luckily, I think he was kidding. I said something about how it was probably in the AFM, somewhere, and he smiled and asked me for my license and medical.
I get inverted-peak since the majority of the freight on my run goes to NID. For some reason people don't want HUD's or missile launchers for Christmas. ...Now if only everyone else's routes were the same so that I wasn't having to double-turn and cover their extra... :p
What kind of loser doesn't want a HUD or a missile launcher for Christmas!?!
Small story time (cause it's late):

Last night I'm at one of my stops taking freight to the jet. I happen to look at one of the boxes and it is going next day air to the place I just came from. I get to the final destination and make small joke to the ramper about hiding it on my plane for the morning.
"Why? it's going on the jet."
"You're kidding me."
They were not kidding me. I off loaded the same box this morning at my outstation after it traveled the country on four unnecessary plane rides. haha. The system is so impressively big I reeeally understand keeping things uniform, but I thought it chuckle worthy.

In our heavy metro's with about 2000 lbs of fuel (3 hours) we can haul about 4,500 lbs of freight if memory serves. It's no bigger then the light metro's that haul 1000 lbs less, so we always bulk out before weighting out. If I'm in a heavy (which my route usually isn't) the UPS head loader asks me how much I can take, that's what I tell him. I can't ever remember the contract weights, yadayada, so I never tell them my max, I just tell them if I can take what they got.

Small story time (cause it's late):

Last night I'm at one of my stops taking freight to the jet. I happen to look at one of the boxes and it is going next day air to the place I just came from. I get to the final destination and make small joke to the ramper about hiding it on my plane for the morning.
"Why? it's going on the jet."
"You're kidding me."
They were not kidding me. I off loaded the same box this morning at my outstation after it traveled the country on four unnecessary plane rides. haha. The system is so impressively big I reeeally understand keeping things uniform, but I thought it chuckle worthy.

We get that a lot at our hub, and I asked one of the managers about it. I guess they do it to keep everything uniform. I think it's silly but if they don't get those packages on the big bird, they take a hit on bonuses.

can't spell stupid without "u, p, and s"

They love logistics, to bad they're terrible with it.