Oldest aircraft you’ve flown in?

No - not the Iron Maiden Bruce Dickenson - the "Avocado farmer" Bruce Dickenson. I like the J2!
I used to work with his son at Santa Paula. I was privileged enough to see the "White Bear" and the Spartan Executive in person, Both were beautiful airplanes and I'd be lying if I said I was lucky enough to go for a ride. One of the members here grew up with him and as far as I know is flying jets, my coworker had an epiphany and decided getting dirty wasn't as attractive as a college degree and is some sort of engineer these days. You haven't had fun until you tow an airplane with a 4WD ATV and then take the ATV down to the river during your lunch break. It might be hard to explain why you're filthy and wet to your boss at 1pm.
A mid-70s Piper Tramahawk early on during my PPL training. It was a scary AF POS with duct taped seating. It was a huge relief when the school got a newish Archer. The runner up would have been a late 70s, early 80s Dutchess, big time POS. I think most Dutchesses are POS anyway but this one was so loud and sounded like it was brewing coffee.