New medical form GG question


Well-Known Member
I was told by a student who is about to have her medical expire that the new form allows the FAA and the Social Security office share info. Her problem is that she is on disability, and has been told by her AME (who in my opnion is a quak), that if she gets a new medical, she will loose her disibality. She has a shoulder injury that makes it so she has a hard time lifting things 20 lbs over her head. She is perscribed meds for this that she dosen't take because it would disqualify her for a 3rd class. Is the link between the two false (SS and FAA)? Would she loose disibality if she was issued a new medical? She mentioned something about refusal to take the meds makes her no longer "disabled." She takes advil to help with the pain so she can fly, because flying is more important than feeling great all the time.
The form allows the FAA to access disability information. If you remember Operation Safe Pilot a couple of years ago where 30+ people held Class 1 or 2 medical certificates and were drawing full disability from Social Security. If you are totally disabled for Social Security, you are disabled to fly at least professionally. Social Security has some pretty tight restrictions on disability.

If she is getting disability, it will depend on what the disability is; i.e., how will the disability affect her ability to safely operate an aircraft. The FAA will make a decision regarding the medical. It would be best for her to call the Regional Flight Surgeon's office in LA to discuss this.
The form allows the FAA to access disability information. If you remember Operation Safe Pilot a couple of years ago where 30+ people held Class 1 or 2 medical certificates and were drawing full disability from Social Security. If you are totally disabled for Social Security, you are disabled to fly at least professionally. Social Security has some pretty tight restrictions on disability.

If she is getting disability, it will depend on what the disability is; i.e., how will the disability affect her ability to safely operate an aircraft. The FAA will make a decision regarding the medical. It would be best for her to call the Regional Flight Surgeon's office in LA to discuss this.

Thanks. I'll pass that on. She is hours away from finishing, and don't want it all to be for nothing.