New Assignment...A-10 and MikeD no more.....

Congrats, Mike!

Is there a promotion associated with this as well? You've got the silver railroad tracks now, right? Will they be getting replaced with gold ones?

And are you going to miss the A-10?

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Appreciate all the good words. Yup, I'm still a Captain. Am eligible for Major in @2 years.

117 ought to be interesting. But you aren't kidding about the night/day part, mission-wise and aircraft-wise. I go from stick and rudder, 1960s vintage instruments Close Air Support, to night precision guidance and MFDs in the cockpit. I don't even know how to use a damn MFD.

Once I get back from Iraq, I'll keep everyone updated on the 117 training program.
Wow!! Congrats man!! I'm pretty freakin envious of that. It's somewhat of an inspiration for me though....ahhhh maybe someday....
I had the honor of having MikeD over at the house last weekend! Too cool!
I had the honor of having MikeD over at the house last weekend! Too cool!

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Why thanks, Dougie...

BTW, how does a PFD, ND, and EICAS work? I might need to know.....
Just follow the magenta line, Mikey!

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Will definately miss the A-10, but won't miss the lack of speed. With the 117, at least I'll have some semblance of speed back with the F/A-18 engines (F404) it has installed.

Finally, an airspeed indicator that is just that.....not a clock.
WOW!!! that is too kewl!! so... when do we get to come down there to check out the cockpit/plane? or is that like too top secret for us minor leaguer's (ack.. .can't spell worth bupkiss!)....

btw - if your going to New Mexico after coming back - what happens to the queen creek house? gonna have to sell it??

good luck overseas - be CAREFUL!!! :-)
...I'll keep everyone updated on the 117 training program.

[/ QUOTE ]Not friggin likely, but thanks for thinking of us.

Stinkbugs, eh? That's pretty • hot, brotha. Kudos.
"I don't even know how to use a damn MFD."

Tell me about it...I'm looking to bid off the dying 727 fleet this winter and get through the computer based training on the 757. It has a bunch of TV screens and the three autopilots can land the plane while you watch....amazing....
Awesome! Congrats on the plane change. You must be doing something right. I wouldn't think they would choose just any pilot to fly the F-117. Definitely a stepping stone to O-4. Good luck.
Congratulations Mike. Will this assignment help you make Major?

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I don't think anything will help me make Major if I keep being the thorn in everyone's side that I am.......
...I'll keep everyone updated on the 117 training program.

[/ QUOTE ]Not friggin likely, but thanks for thinking of us.


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At least the TR phase.....takeoffs and landings...and related

Maybe during indoc phase for the 117 I can finally find out the truth about Roswell and the JFK assasination.
was advised today that I've been selected as Pilot, F-117A Nighthawk Stealth,

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MikeD - simply put.... you FRIGGIN' ROCK!!!!


I'd ask Scrappy (Delta former F117 pilot) for some gouge for ya, but I'm sure he'd have to kill me afterwards!
OUTSTANDING!! ..... You are getting opportunities to fly some of the finest aircraft in the military. Stuff that us former fighter pilot wannabes can only dream of. Wishing you the best on your new F117 assignment. Be careful over in Iraq.

Fly safe,
Mark P. "EFC"
Yeah Mike, just remember:

Everyone who runs is Fedayeen.

Anyone who stands still is well-disciplined Fedayeen.