MOAB at Azul

How did you do?
@ClearedForOption how about you?

I ended up getting booted out exactly how I thought I would... the plug in LA was exactly the # I predicted. I'm still looking at 5-7 years to get back if all stays the same. Which, if the delivery schedule stays the same will be a pretty good prediction.

The funny thing is that way back when I upgraded, I predicted that if "LGB" stayed the same based on the 2015-2017 base sizes that I'd be able to naturally hold in it 2026. Now, we are in '25 (with a '26 bid) and now I'm gonna be another 5-6 years away from the west coast.


Anyhoo, I could have done Europe flying (easily) out of BOS, probably a descent lineholder. JFK would have been short callout RSV - I think? Won't know till the final #'s come out. I landed in JFK "domestic" - I'm probably gonna move back 5-7 years to my 2018-2019 relative seniority #. But, I won't know till the final #'s are released with the spread.

This means hours and hours of wasted time going back and forth from coast to coast in the sky chariot.
Mint seat with a curtain. 2O takes the first break, followed by the PM, then PF.

If you can handle the sleep management/fatigue, SQ is amazing.

I wish that I could handle the sleep management thing - I'd have been all over the SQ. My 'red eye' management technique has always been to keep myself on west coast time. That would have been the pathway to destruction if I bid over. Plus, all the really nice trips were just out of my reach seniority-wise. 48 hr layovers and such.

Maybe in a couple of years? When I'm more settled into my east coast grind. :(
How - if at all - would the annual in August shake this up?

If I had to guess the August bid will continue to have more 220 slots as we add additional aircraft. Potential for FLL A220 base next year...That could reshuffle the deck a bit.

In general though I think the left seat will continue to go more senior unlike prior years where it went super junior because of 1. The pay split between the 190 and 320 no longer exists and 2. I think for the foreseeable future the left seat will be more overstaffed than it was in prior years affording better scheduling flexibility.
Sorry man. I feel for the LAX people who are suffering from this. Hopefully with your better seniority, you will be able to manipulate a better schedule to minimize your time away. I really hope this is the last year of uncertainty for a while at our shop. Jet Forward baby!!!!!!!🤣😂
Sorry man. I feel for the LAX people who are suffering from this. Hopefully with your better seniority, you will be able to manipulate a better schedule to minimize your time away. I really hope this is the last year of uncertainty for a while at our shop. Jet Forward baby!!!!!!!🤣😂

Yeah. 2 commutes is my goal. (or less) Alternate RSV and lines depending on the season. I've got nothing else - there really isn't any good option.

@everyone... does anyone know a good realtor specializing in Queens, NY? I'm gonna buy some QOL if I'm gonna be in NYC.
Yeah. 2 commutes is my goal. (or less) Alternate RSV and lines depending on the season. I've got nothing else - there really isn't any good option.

@everyone... does anyone know a good realtor specializing in Queens, NY? I'm gonna buy some QOL if I'm gonna be in NYC.
Let me ask a few of my NYC friends.

When I was considering moving out there, I really liked Rockaway Beach.
Sheesh. Sorry guys. I take a little solice in knowing my good friend Kurt U who passed away recently as a B6 CA didn't live to get downgraded and deal with this bid. I personally think B6 will see a merger before most displaced by this bid will upgrade again as all signs seem to point that way. Hopefully that's a good thing.
What is the cutoff that you guys get a third pilot?

Not sure if there's a hard CBA based cutoff, but only EDI and DUB were unaugmented out of JFK last year. Occasionally the company would add back the 2O seat for those trips day prior if they anticipated delays or stronger than expected winds.