Life at Compass

Well the Holiday Inn is the company hotel with van service. It's 49/nt if the company itself pays for it. Otherwise it's a crew leisure rate of 89/nt. Dumpy motel directly across the street from the school house is 275/wk. I asked around my class if anyone was interested in splitting lodging but no takers. I also can't do the 3000 mile round trip drive to MSP. I literally don't know what I'm going to do.

Update: I found out that the city bus stops right by the training center, its the 436. $2.25 a ride, coming only in the morning and going only in late afternoon /evening (commuter route). It starts & stops to make connections at the 46th St station (rail station). Could work for ground school schedule. Any crash pads near a train station?

Doesn't anyone else find it sad that it has to come down to this for some people?!

Lol @ this industry. Still love it though.
Damn, you are the second guy I know that moved up to that date..... Waiting for a call...
You are likely going to get a call (email?).. interesting you got offered the Dec 30th before me, but I got offered the 23rd before you. I have no idea how they pick n choose.
I'll be staying at the holiday inn as well. I'll be down for an adult beverage and some chicken wings at the hotel restaurant if you guys wanted to meet up.